Zelensky Issues McCarthyite Black List of US Politicians Ukraine Says “Promotes Russian Propaganda” Due to Voicing Criticism of US Proxy War with Russia

Ukraine released a list of US politicians it says “promotes Russian propaganda” by arguing against World War III and the US proxy war with Russia.

The Zelensky regime says those who oppose the war are Russian mouthpieces.

The fucking audacity of Zelensky: constantly demanding more US resources and weapons – to the point our own stockpiles are depleted – then issuing McCarthyite blacklists branding American journalists and politicians (and Lula) of being Kremlin assets for opposing the US role.

— Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) May 1, 2023

The list was released before the United States government admitted they were running biolabs in Ukraine. This was considered misinformation before the US actually admitted it was true.

The Week reported:

Ukraine’s Center for Countering Disinformation announced Monday that it had compiled a list of American citizens who have been “promoting Russian propaganda.”

The center, which Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky created in 2021, named Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.), former Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-Hawaii), journalist Glenn Greenwald, retired U.S. Army Colonel Douglas MacGregor, academic John Mearsheimer, and military historian Edward Luttwak.

Gabbard and Greenwald have endorsed the theory — which Russia promotes and Ukraine denies — that there are dozens of U.S.-funded biolabs in Ukraine. In the early days of the invasion, MacGregor told Fox News that Zelensky was a “puppet” and was “putting huge numbers of his own population at unnecessary risk” by refusing to cave to Russian President Vladimir Putin’s demands.

Mearsheimer delivered a lecture in 2015 with the title “Why is Ukraine the West’s Fault?” in which he argued that NATO and the EU had driven Ukraine into conflict with Russia by teasing the possibility of membership without ever intending to grant it. Paul made similar statements and has voted against military aid for Ukraine. In April, Luttwak called for a peace deal that would allow disputed territories in the Donbas to hold referendums on whether to join with Russia or remain part of Ukraine.

Zelensky may have had a say in Tucker Carlson’s firing.

This article strongly suggests that the Murdochs talked to Zelensky, and Tucker’s opposition to the US proxy war in Ukraine was a major factor in his firing.

I’ll await confirmation, but one thing is for sure: his removal eliminated the most influential anti-war voice from TV: https://t.co/eZ8DODnsLk

— Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) May 1, 2023

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