FACEBOOK has a hidden inbox that you’ve probably never seen.
That’s because it’s tucked away in the settings of Facebook Messenger – so it’s easy to miss.
FacebookLook for your Message Requests folder and the hidden Spam tab on Facebook Messenger[/caption]
Facebook is used by billions of people, so there are plenty of users out there who might want to contact you.
And the app knows that some contacts are more important than others.
So when you go into your main Facebook Messenger inbox, you’ll hopefully see useful and relevant texts from people you know.
But there are actually two inboxes that you may have missed.
First, load up your Facebook Messenger app.
Now tap on the hamburger menu in the top-left of the screen.
Next tap the tab that says Message Requests.
Here is where you’ll find messages from people that Facebook isn’t sure you know.
If you’ve had Facebook for a while, you’ve likely got a few messages in here.
Now if you look at the top of the page, you’ll also see a Spam tab.
Click that and you might find yourself presented with even weirder messages.
This is where Facebook dumps suspicious, strange or spammy missives that probably won’t want to read.
You can delete them without ever clicking into them just by tapping Edit in the top-right corner, selecting a few to cull, and then hitting Delete.
There are some advantages to having some messages turn up in these hidden inboxes.
Firstly, it means your main inbox isn’t clogged up with requests or spam.
But the person can’t call you, see your active status or when you’ve read the message unless you reply.
That’s important, as you can vet a message and the sender before letting them know that you’ve seen their text.
And if you choose to ignore it, they’ll never know that you read it.
It’s worth checking these hidden inboxes regularly, as you might find that an important message accidentally ended up there.
You can find the inbox on iPhone, Android and on the web version of Facebook Messenger too.