You’ve been brushing your teeth all wrong – here’s the right way to do it

ONE in five Brits admit they don’t brush their teeth at least one day a week, according to research.

A major oral health study, covering all topics from brushing frequency to oral knowledge, also revealed 41 per cent brush their teeth for less than a minute in total, each day.

GettyOne in five Brits skip on brushing their teeth at least one day a week[/caption]

While 18 per cent admit to spending less time tending to their gnashers due to running late for work, 37 per cent acknowledged a clean before bedtime is often missed.

And 25 per cent would be embarrassed of the state of their mouths were they to have a check-up, with 12 per cent going to the dentist less than once a year.

More than a tenth (13 per cent) have told porkies when it comes to how frequently they floss, and nine per cent have fibbed about how often they visit the dentist.

A spokesperson from Sensodyne, which commissioned the research to highlight the importance of looking after gums as well as sensitive teeth, said: “There’s a lot going on in your mouth that you don’t think about.

“Aside from whether you have sensitive teeth or not, considering the health of your gums is vitally important, including reaching difficult areas in between your teeth and along the gum line.

“Often, out of sight can be out of mind, but in the case of your oral health, it’s critical to keep it at the forefront of your thoughts.”

Of those who dodge the dentist, 39 per cent admit they simply don’t like visiting them, while 31 per cent are not currently registered.

Around one in six (16 per cent) have put off going because they’re worried about what they might find out.

While 11 per cent just don’t want to get any work done, such as fillings or something even more invasive, according to the figures.

It also emerged 11 per cent rarely or never consider the health of their gums, and as many as 60 per cent simply presume that by brushing their teeth, they are naturally also looking after their gums.

As a result, 25 per cent say they have never been keen on their smile, and 21 per cent tend to avoid showing their teeth when smiling in photos.

Exactly half of those surveyed believe they do a ‘decent’ job in keeping their mouths healthy but admit there’s room for improvement.

And 24 per cent admit they should probably know more about oral hygiene, and 15 per cent don’t know much about gums.

A spokesperson for Sensodyne, which commissioned the research to mark the relaunch of its Sensitivity & Gum Toothpaste, added: “Healthy teeth and gums are something millions of people tend to take for granted.

“That’s why it’s so important to keep on top of our oral care routine. By correctly brushing our teeth twice-daily we can help our teeth and gums stay healthy.”

How to brush your teeth the right way

It can sometimes be hard to know how to look after your teeth beyond brushing them twice a day.

Thankfully, Faizan Zaheer, from Bupa Dental Care, previously shared his advice on how to keep teeth in tip-top condition.

BRUSH UP ON STORAGE: Good toothbrush hygiene means keeping it somewhere for it to dry out — and that’s not the bathroom.

Faizan said: “Toothbrushes that stay moist for an extended period encourage bacterial growth.

“Keep your toothbrush holder away from the toilet and sink.

“Flushing can create an aerosol effect, spraying germs in the air.”

It is also a good idea to change your brush every three to four months.

TWO-MINUTE CLEAN: Brush your teeth for two minutes, morning and evening, with a fluoride toothpaste.

“If you are very good at brushing, then plaque will not build up, so there will be fewer spots for bacteria to produce acid and cause decay,” says Faizan.

Brushing too hard can wear away the enamel on your teeth, so use light pressure in a small, circular motion.

DON’T RINSE: It is best to just spit out toothpaste after cleaning.

Faizan says: “People tend to rinse their mouths after brushing.

However, this causes the removal of fluoride from the teeth, which means it can’t benefit by strengthening the minerals in the enamel.”

Rinsing with mouthwash is another habit to drop.

Faizan says: “It usually has a lower fluoride concentration than toothpaste. Therefore, it will dilute the fluoride concentration in the mouth if used after brushing.”

Wait a minute after brushing before using mouthwash, or find another time in the day.

FLOSS: Using floss or small interdental brushes removes bacteria between your teeth.

Faizan says: “Put the dental floss between two teeth and while holding it firmly against one tooth, slide it up and down.

“Repeat while holding the floss against the other tooth in the gap.

“As the floss reaches your gums, carefully slide it below the gum line to get those hard-to-reach places.”

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