Your Feb. 26 Weekly Horoscope Is Encouraging You to Celebrate Your Wins

Your Feb. 26 weekly horoscope is not only bringing light to the end of a cycle, but also validating your desire to embark on a new journey. With both Saturn and Pluto transiting through the final degrees of their prospective signs, there is a sense of finality attached to the current energies. The upcoming week is presenting you with the opportunity to celebrate your recent accomplishments and honor everything you went through to get there. Don’t be alarmed if you begin to see the bigger picture of your experiences.

Since you are in the essence of Pisces season, you may be in the process of energetically surrendering what no longer serves you. Remember, this will help you to step into the best version of yourself. As February comes to a close, take a moment to reflect on what you’ve outgrown so you can make peace with that moving forward.

This week begins on a versatile note with the moon entering Gemini before reaching its first-quarter phase the following day. The moon will also be joining forces with Mars on Feb. 27, which means tensions could begin to rise. If you’re suddenly overthinking next steps, take a moment to breathe and get grounded.

The good news is, after the moon enters Cancer on Feb. 28, the month of March kicks off at full speed. With the moon’s interaction with Jupiter, and Jupiter’s conjunction with Venus in Aries, this is an emotional resurgence. However, the vibes are colorful and effervescent.

After joining forces with Saturn, Mercury will join the sun and Neptune in Pisces on March 2, which may shift your perspective from logical and progressive to imaginative and all-encompassing. This transit is a positive one, as it can be just as enlightening as it is remarkably intuitive.

If you’re wondering what else this week has in store for you, read on for your weekly horoscope for Feb. 26 through March 4, according to your zodiac sign and your rising sign. For a look at the year ahead, also read your 2023 yearly horoscope.

Aries (March 21–April 19) Weekly Horoscope For Feb. 26, 2023

You’re gaining clarity on the journey ahead, Aries. The week of Feb. 26 kicks off on a bit of blurry note, as the moon in Gemini will meet with the sun in Pisces, activating your third house of the mind and 12th house of dreams. The moon will also join forces with Mars on Feb. 27 and eventually clash with Neptune. During this time, it’s important to ground your energy.

Fortunately, you’ll be happier than ever on March 1 and March 2 when Venus conjuncts Jupiter in Aries. Expect a sweet pick-me-up because, this week, the cosmos are on your side. Before entering Pisces and your 12th house of surrender, Mercury will conjunct Saturn via your 11th house of associations, community affairs, and individual freedom. Don’t undermine all that you’ve accomplished when it comes to your social contributions and networks. Your sparkling visions are worth celebrating. If you feel like exploring other horizons, or perhaps doing something a bit unconventional, harness the energy of the moon square Uranus on March 4.

Taurus (April 20–May 20) Weekly Horoscope For Feb. 26, 2023

Take a load off yourself, Taurus. If you find yourself overthinking your finances at the beginning of the week, it’s more than likely due to the moon in Gemini’s square to the sun on Feb. 26. This energy creates friction between your ideas and visions for the future versus the logical facts around a money matter, so try not to make a rash decision.

Upon the moon’s ingress into Cancer, the moon will face off with Jupiter via your 12th house of compassion, sacrifice, and all things behind the scenes. This is where the dynamic gets interesting, as this will all take place during Venus’s close proximity to Jupiter in Aries on March 1. With Mars lighting up your financial sector though, this could result in an unexpected reward for you.

Gemini (May 21–June 20) Weekly Horoscope For Feb. 26, 2023

You’re making a bold impression on the people around you, Gemini. The week of Feb. 26 begins with the moon entering your sign, which makes it all the more personal. The moon will also simultaneously face off with the sun on Feb. 26, which will create friction between your individual perspective and the image you’re looking to portray in front of the rest of the world. The moon will eventually join forces with Mars on Feb. 27, which could make you feel on edge this week. Try your best to remain cool, calm, and collected.

On March 1, after entering Cancer, the moon will meet with Jupiter via your 11th house of associations, community, and social contributions. With this energy, remain true to your passions and heart’s desires. If you have a vision that’s larger than life itself but somehow requires you to venture outside of your comfort zone to make it become a reality, the juice might be worth the squeeze.

Cancer (June 21–July 22) Weekly Horoscope For Feb. 26, 2023

Prioritize some self-care this week, Cancer. With the moon glimmering through Gemini on Feb. 26 and 27, you’ll want to get some rest at the start of the week before the moon clashes with the sun and Neptune. Know that while the future could seem a bit hazy, that’s no reason to stress or overthink next steps.

Given the moon’s square with Jupiter on March 1, you may find yourself in your feelings. Instead of succumbing to the comfort of your crab shell though, you’ll definitely want to harness the luck, prosperity, and enthusiasm of Venus conjunct Jupiter between March 1 and March 2. With Mercury entering Pisces the following day, you will be in your element before you know it.

Leo (July 23–Aug. 22) Weekly Horoscope For Feb. 26, 2023

Lean on your peers, Leo. The week of Feb. 26 kicks off swiftly thanks to the moon’s journey through Gemini. However, if you’re feeling slightly overwhelmed with a friend or coworker, this could potentially stem from the moon’s square to the sun, followed by the moon’s square with Neptune on Feb. 27. All that to say, make sure you’re being mindful and discerning with your energy. You’ll also want to catch up on your beauty sleep upon the moon’s ingress into Cancer and your 12th house of rest on Feb. 28.

The following day, the moon will go head to head with Jupiter, which contradicts your desire to keep to yourself and remain reclusive. It’s not every day Venus joins forces with Jupiter in Aries, so don’t let this bold energy go to waste. If anything, Mercury’s conjunction with Saturn on March 2 is supporting you and will help you bring a significant chapter (probably a relationship) to a close in the process. The moon will eventually enter your sign on March 3, so don’t hesitate to prioritize your heart’s desires and do what feels right for you.

Virgo (Aug. 23–Sept. 22) Weekly Horoscope For Feb. 26, 2023

Cultivating a healthy balance between your personal and professional life is everything this week, Virgo. After the moon enters Gemini on Feb. 26, it will reach its first-quarter phase in this area of your chart the following day. Given the moon’s square with the sun and Neptune, things could begin to feel tense with a relationship. In any event, be sure to be discerning with those you share important details with, as the friction is undeniable at the start of the week.

On March 1, after entering Cancer, the moon will face off with Jupiter via your intimate eighth house of mergers, shared resources, and personal exchanges. You don’t need to attach yourself to anything or anyone, so set the necessary boundaries. Mercury will also be entering Pisces on March 2, so it’s up to you to know the difference between reality and illusions.

Libra (Sept. 23–Oct. 22) Weekly Horoscope For Feb. 26, 2023

Take full advantage of your energy this week, Libra. The week of Feb. 26 begins with the moon transiting through Gemini, all while it faces off with the sun in Pisces. This energy could mean you experience somewhat of disarray when it comes to the logistics of a situation, but don’t stress. The first-quarter moon on Feb. 27 can be a bit tense, but this mutable synergy is all the more reason to improvise.

After entering Cancer, the moon will go head to head with Jupiter in your relationship sector, which is where you’ll most likely feel torn between nurturing your reputation versus enjoying the roller-coaster ride that’s a leap of faith away. After all, it’s not every day that Venus conjuncts Jupiter in your area of one-on-one relationships. When considering Mercury’s debut in Pisces the following day, lucky breaks and exhilarating connections – perhaps in the workplace – are likely to happen.

Scorpio (Oct. 23–Nov. 21) Weekly Horoscope For Feb. 26, 2023

Keep the momentum going, Scorpio. The moon’s journey through Gemini at the start of the week will clash with the planets in Pisces. With this happening, ask yourself, do you feel indebted or restricted by a contractual agreement? If it’s romantically, then you may not have all of your facts straight, so don’t jump to conclusions. After entering Cancer, the moon will square off with Jupiter, which will likely inspire you to venture into the unknown. With Venus joining forces with Jupiter in Aries between March 1 and March 2, you will be presented with an exhilarating breakthrough and opportunity you can’t resist.

To wrap up the week, Mercury will enter Pisces on March 2, and you will feel inspired to make your dreams a reality. The moon will eventually enter Leo, which will make you the center of attention. Remember, people’s negative perception of you has absolutely nothing to do with the person that you are becoming.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22–Dec. 21) Weekly Horoscope For Feb. 26, 2023

Don’t lose sight of your boundaries, Sagittarius. If you’re preoccupied with relationship matters at the start of the week, it’s likely due to the moon’s journey through Gemini. The moon will reach its first-quarter phase the following day, which could be the reason why tensions suddenly rise in this area of you life.

The moon will eventually ingress into Cancer, which will bring emotional emphasis to your eighth house of intimacy, shared resources, and personal exchanges. You could be inspired to express your heart’s desires unapologetically; though, in doing so, you may feel like your family or partner is raining on your parade. Instead of losing sight of your happiness and newly found confidence, be sure to harness the magic of Venus conjunct Jupiter on March 1 and March 2.

Capricorn (Dec. 22–Jan. 19) Weekly Horoscope For Feb. 26, 2023

Spend time with your loved ones whenever you can, Capricorn. The week of Feb. 26 kicks off with the moon touching down on your sixth house of day-to-day routines and due diligence. This could make you feel low with energy or simply more distracted than usual. Either way, don’t fret, the first-quarter moon in Gemini on Feb. 27 will likely shake things up in regard to your daily rituals.

The moon will eventually clash with Jupiter on March 1, which is when emotions are likely to escalate. If this tiff happens to be with relatives or a significant other’s family member, remember to see the value in compromise because there is a learning experience here for everyone. To wrap up the week, Venus will conjunct Jupiter between March 1 and March 2, so this could be a blessing in disguise. Keep in mind, Mercury will join Saturn in Aquarius – for the last time for the next 27 to 30 years – on March 2 before entering Pisces. You’re concluding a significant chapter in your life, so don’t undermine your wins.

Aquarius (Jan. 20–Feb. 18) Weekly Horoscope For Feb. 26, 2023

Look at the bright side without losing sight of your reality, Aquarius. After the moon enters Gemini on Feb. 26, it will face off with the sun in Pisces. Then, the moon will eventually join forces with Mars on Feb. 27, so be sure to pace yourself. During this time, you are more likely to idealize a situation as opposed to thinking clearly about it, so tread carefully. When the moon eventually enters Cancer on March 1, this is where you will be reminded to not bite off more than you can chew. Something could seem really inspiring and exciting at first, but it’s important to be mindful of your mental, physical, and spiritual well-being.

Venus will later conjunct Jupiter in Aries bringing lucky breaks and prosperity your way, so take a moment to process the good news. To finish off the week, it’s important to consider Mercury’s close proximity to Saturn on March 2, especially since this conjunction won’t happen in your sign for another 28 to 30 years. What part of your life has reached its expiration date? What message are you ready to relay to your community of peers? Your hard work and humility is finally starting to pay off.

Pisces (Feb. 19–March 20) Weekly Horoscope For Feb. 26, 2023

You’re ready for the next phase, Pisces. The week of Feb. 26 kicks off with the moon glimmering through Gemini and your fourth house of home, family, and innermost feelings. The moon will be squaring off with the sun in your sign on March 1, which means it’s important to set firm boundaries with yourself or family members so you can ultimately do what feels right for you.

The moon will eventually enter Cancer, and though this could create energy that feels like a battle between following your heart and impulsively leaping toward the next best thing, trust yourself. Mercury will also be entering your sign on March 2, which means it’s time to speak up and tap into your creative genius. You have the celestial microphone now.

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