Your 2023 Horoscope Is Here, and It’s Your Reinvention Era

Welcome to 2023, a year that will feel like we’ve entered a new dimension – one with more laughter, love, and peace. This past year was one of restructuring and deep healing as we emerged from COVID restrictions and sought to regain solid footing. In 2023, however, two major transits will color our experience: in March, Saturn, the planet of challenge, will shift from fixed air sign Aquarius into docile water sign Pisces, where it will remain for the next two and a half years, and at the tail end of 2022, Jupiter, the planet of expansion, will have shifted from Pisces into Aries, where it will stay for the first five months of 2023. These transits signal a collective shift in values as we go from a more tech-based reality to a mystically cocreated one. As 2023 begins, we’re being asked to release our reliance on fantasy and focus on bold action.

When looking at what to expect this year, it’s also important to note that the North Node is currently in Taurus (as well as Uranus, the planet of revolution and unexpected change) until July 2023. This nodal transit lasts one and a half years, so think back to where you were at the start of 2022. The first seven months of 2023 will highlight similar themes: facing our personal and collective shadows and finding a healthy equilibrium between tending to our own needs and being aware of the needs of others. Privacy, secrecy, manipulation, obsession, practicality, and emotion – these issues and ideas will permeate our consciousness as we try to live a values-led life and explore the cosmic lessons this decade has in store.

With both Uranus and the North Node in the intentional sign of Taurus, many of us will distance ourselves from relationships, jobs, and mindsets that have kept us stuck for too long. Due to the Taurus-Scorpio eclipses and nodal transits, such shifts will happen even if we’d rather stay in our comfort zone. By the time the North Node enters Aries in July 2023, we’ll find that our friendships and work dynamics have transformed dramatically in the past year and a half, and we’ll enter the second half of 2023 feeling more inspired by our evolved consciousness.

Pluto, the planet of transformation and rebirth, also makes a monumental shift out of Capricorn (where it has been for the past 14 years) into Aquarius. Its first transit will be from March 23 to June 11, 2023, and then it will retrograde back into Capricorn. That three-month transit in Aquarius will lead to global shifts and possibly tech- and human-rights-related revolutions between May and June 2023. Pluto shows us where we must evolve, whether we feel ready to. Humanity as a collective will go through a reprogramming of sorts, where we have no choice but to level up. That means releasing the outdated structures and mindsets that may have kept us in a matrix-like reality.

Once we choose to peel back the veil, there are no limits to what we can achieve. In the second half of 2022, student-loan forgiveness was approved after decades of grassroots work, Gen Z showed up in droves to vote for a brighter future, and we saw more states legalizing psychedelics such as magical mushrooms. The year 2023 will keep that same wave going as we explore innovative and radical tools for healing. Pluto in Aquarius and Jupiter in Aries both remind us that we can dismantle whatever system(s) we choose, especially the ones that exist within ourselves. The last year taught us that we need to put in the work to liberate ourselves. Now, 2023 is about defining what freedom looks like for us on an individual and collective front. Are you ready to reassess everything you knew about humanity?

Here’s what your 2023 horoscope is highlighting for you. Read your horoscope first according to your rising sign, then according to your sun sign. For the full picture of your year ahead, be sure to read your zodiac sign’s 2023 love horoscope, 2023 sex horoscope, 2023 money and career horoscope, and 2023 wellness and happiness horoscope, too.

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