WWE SmackDown LIVE RESULTS: Andre The Giant Battle Royal slammed as ‘joke’ ahead of Wrestlemania 40


THE Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal disappointed some fans after WWE Smackdown last night.

Reed strategically ousted Ivar from the ring during their match, clinching victory. This outcome seemed inevitable, given WWE’s admiration for the Australian talent’s stellar performances.

The win, to some, felt somewhat anticlimactic, considering the absence of several notable contenders from the Battle Royal.

“I don’t know which one is more of a joke now,” wrote one fan as the event aired. “The hall of fame or the Andre the Giant Battle Royal.”

“It saddens me greatly to see how devalued the Andre the Giant Battle Royal has become over the years,” tweeted another disappointed fan in Spanish. “What should be a match that propels the winner has turned into a contest of little relevance for the victor and of little interest for the spectator.”

The brutal beatdown may foreshadow their highly-anticipated WrestleMania rematch.

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