Woman shocked as parent does nothing while her child ‘screams and stomps’ during a flight

A PASSENGER has revealed how she was told to “mind her own business” after confronting a mum on a recent flight.

The woman was sat next to the parent and her child on the plane, when the youngster started “stomping and screaming“.

GettyThe passenger said the child was stood on his seat, while stomping (stock image)[/caption]

However, the mum seemed reluctant to intervene, despite disapproving looks from others on board the aircraft.

The passenger took it upon herself to say something about the parent’s lack of discipline for her child, which didn’t go down too well at all.

The woman wrote about the incident on Reddit to ask others if she had been in the right for telling the mum to do something about her child.

She wrote: “I (21 F) was flying on a plane from Texas to LA for a job and was sitting next to this mom in her late 20s with a child who looked to be about 3-4 years old.

“We sat in an aisle seat while the mom sat at the window seat, her child in the middle and I was sitting on the edge.

“About 20 minutes into the flight her child started standing up on the seat and stomping while mildly screaming.

“All this while the mom’s nose was in her phone the whole time.

“I tried to make eye contact with her as a way to inform her that her child is not behaving. And she refused to look up from her phone.

“I thought maybe after like 10 mins the child would get tired and sit, low and behold, the child didn’t.

“I tapped the mom on her shoulder and told her that she should watch her child and tell him to sit down.

“She gave me a dirty look and told me to mind my own business.”

However, lots of people sided with the woman on this and said that the parent should have been doing a better job of taking care of their child.

One wrote: “Parents that can’t control their kids shouldn’t travel with them.”

Another said: ” I have ZERO sympathy for parents who don’t parent, then act offended when people don’t want to listen to their screaming kid.”

A third added: “I feel for the parents that are trying to calm down their kid but I have no time for someone playing on the phone rather than TRY to calm a kid down.”

Crying children is one of the biggest irritations for passengers on board planes.

Last year a woman divided opinion by calling for adult-only flights after a screaming tot affected her flight.

The woman, who goes by the name Mooorganic on TikTok, shared a video of her onboard a plane with a child’s wails in the background.

She captioned it: “Why isn’t there such a thing as adult only flights? I would pay SO much money.”

She then elaborated, explaining to commenters: “The flight was 3 hours and I listened to this the entire time.

“I have noise cancelling headphones, the child was WELL over five years old, and they sat directly behind me while kicking my chair as the mother slept.”

Meanwhile, this passenger was annoyed to wake up and find a child had drawn on their socks during a flight.

And this parent packs a £1.50 DIY item whenever she flies to keep her child occupied.

The mum did nother when her child started screaming during the flight (stock image)  Read More 
