What’s your sexual wellness score? 2-minute quiz reveals if your lifestyle is decimating your libido

AT the prospect of a romp between the sheets, most of us will forget all about the outside world.

But according to a sexpert, your lifestyle is intimately linked to your sex life.

BAWA MEDICALDr Kanwal Bawa put together a quiz to determine how your lifestyle affects your sex life[/caption]

Dr Kanwal BawaThe quiz starts of with asking what your sleep and eating habits are[/caption]

Dr Kanwal Bawa It asks men if they can achieve an erection during sex and masturbation[/caption]

And a revealing quiz will tell you exactly how much your diet, sleep and daily habits are decimating your sex life.

Put together by sexual wellness expert Dr Kanwal Bawa – known as ‘Dr Sex Fairy‘ to her 850,000 TikTok followers – the quiz delves deep into subjects like mental health and how much kip you get nightly to whether you ever experience pain during sex or suffer from premature ejaculation.

After you’ve answered the 27 questions, you’ll get a score out of 100.

“This tool is your compass to navigate the vast landscape of sexual well-being,” according to Dr Bawa.

So, let’s delve into the quiz.

After asking whether you have a penis or vagina, the quiz poses questions about your age, relationship status, the sex of your partner and the education you have received.

This first section is not scored.

Then comes a series of questions about your smoking habits, whether you take drugs or drink and whether you try to stick to a healthy balanced diet.

Diet guru Dr Michael Mosley recently shared six surprising foods that could give your sex life a boost, suggesting that a nutritious Mediterranean diet could “improve sexual function”.

Dr Bawa’s quiz also tells participants to rate their self esteem from ‘very poor’ to ‘excellent’, as well as how happy or loving their current relationship is.

You might not think it, but the amount you sleep can impact your sex life.

The sex doctor asked how many of hours of kip you tend to clock in nightly, whether that’s less than four hours or an ample eight.

A 2019 study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine found that poor sleep was linked to erectile dysfunction in men and problems with getting aroused and reaching orgasm in women

This study looked at the libido of people in their sixties, but another piece of research on the sex lives of female university students found that just one extra hour of sleep increased their desire for a romp, as well as the likelihood of it happening.

Next, Dr Bawa asked whether you suffer from any chronic conditions and how often you exercise.

At this point of the quiz, questions became more specific.

The sexpert asked men how often they were able to maintain an erection during sex or masturbation, how hard it tends to be and whether they have morning erections.

The quiz also delved into how confident people are in their sexual performance, whether they ever ejaculate too soon and whether they’ve ever noticed their penis size shrinking.

As for women, Dr Bawa questioned whether sex ever hurt and if they suffer from vaginal dryness.

On the subject of orgasms, the quiz asked how often women were able to reach the big O during sex or while masturbating.

The sexpert delved into how they tend climax: is it through clitoral stimulation or penetration?

Dr Bawa asked participants to rate their sex drive from very low to very high and to share how often they tended to have sex.

How you communicate with your partner about sex was also raised.

Participants receive a score out of 100 at the end of the quiz, telling them what areas they can improve on.

A score of 80 would be “good”, according to Dr Bawa, but it still has room for improvement.

The key things you can do to drive up your score is ditch cigarettes, keep booze to a minimum and stay active.

Recent research has suggested that exercise can boost men’s performance in the bedroom and reduce the likelihood of  erectile dysfunction or premature ejaculation.

The sexpert also suggested getting health check ups to identify underlying conditions.

Certified somatic sexologist and sex counsellor Alice Child recently shared with Sun Health that there are not one, not two… but 11 different ways your body can reach climax.

From clitoral orgasms to pleasure achieved just through breath, read more on the many different ways you get an earth shattering big O.

Dr Kanwal Bawa The quiz asks women if they ever have pain during sex or suffer from vaginal dryness[/caption]

Dr Kanwal Bawa It also asks how they tend to achieve orgasm[/caption]   
