What to do if you lose your passport while on holiday and how much it costs to get a new one

LOSING a passport while on holiday is every tourist’s worst nightmare.

Luckily, the situation is always salvageable – and here’s how.


What do you do and how much does it cost?

If you lose your passport while on holiday it’s important to know how to deal with the issue promptly and correctly.

If you’re a victim of a lost or stolen passport, immediately go to the nearest police station and report it.

You may need the police report later to obtain a new passport. Once this is done, you can apply for an emergency travel document.

It is also called an “emergency passport”.

To be eligible to apply for an emergency travel document all of the following must apply.

You’re a British national
You’re outside the UK
Your passport has been lost, stolen, damaged, is full, has recently expired, or is with HM Passport Office or a foreign embassy
You do not have time to renew or replace your UK passport from abroad before you travel
You can provide proof of your travel plans, for example, booking confirmations (or detailed written travel plans if you cannot book ahead)

If you meet the criteria, you can apply for an emergency document here for the cost of £100, which is non-refundable. You can pay the fee online as part of your application – if you do not, you’ll be asked to pay over the phone.

You may need to attend an appointment at your nearest British embassy, high commission, or consulate after you apply online. You will be told once you’ve submitted your application if you need an appointment.

The emergency passport can also be applied for in a person to your nearest embassy, high commission, or consulate – however, you can not contact any of the above regarding updates.

Instead, you should wait to receive an email informing you of your application status.

It takes around two working days to get a new passport – however, it could take longer depending on the current demand.

Do not finalise travel until you get an email telling you how and when to collect your emergency travel document.

What do you bring if you have an appointment?

If you do have to attend an appointment, it’s important to take the necessary required documentation with you.

This includes:

Completed emergency travel document form
A recent photograph of yourself
Proof of your travel plans (e.g. Booking confirmation)
A police report if your passport was stolen

What does the emergency passport let you do?

You can use an emergency passport to travel to your destination through a maximum of five countries.

You can also normally use it to return to the country you’re applying from if you live there.

Your travel plans, which include countries and dates, will be printed on your emergency travel document.

If your travel plans change after you have received your document, you need to apply for a new one.

You may also need a visa to leave the country you’re in or to travel through other countries with your emergency travel document, so it’s important to check with the embassy or consulate of each country.

If your final destination is the UK, then the border staff will keep your emergency passport when you arrive.

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