What is Australian drug Spontan and does it help with erectile dysfunction?

ERECTILE dysfunction is a disorder that is not openly spoken about amongst men, and can be something of a taboo subject.

A new type of medication has been designed to treat this problem. Here we look at what it is and whether it works.

Spontan is a nose spray being developed to tackle erectile dysfunction

What is Spontan?

Spontan is a nasal spray, designed to help with erectile dysfunction.

It was designed by Brisbane-based bio company LTR Pharma.

The active ingredient is a drug called vardenafil, which helps to increase blood flow to the penis.

It’s from the same class of medications as sildenafil, the active ingredient in Viagra.

The drugs, known as phosphodiesterase inhibitors, work to increase blood flow to the penis, which helps encourage an erection.

Does Spontan help with erectile dysfunction?

It is claimed that the spray will help to bring about an erection within five minutes of application – faster than current treatments that can take around an hour.

The results were seen during early proof of concept-testing during trials in California.

The drug is now set to be tested more widely in larger trials in Australia, with results expected in the first half of next year.

If the nasal spray is found to be safe and effective, the company will be able to apply to regulators like the MHRA in the UK and FDA in the US for approval.

If all goes to plan, the scientists hope to seek approval in 2025.

How to take Spontan

Spontan is applied into the nostrils.

This means that the drug can act quicker, as it can enter the bloodstream directly.

The developers say that the drug will take between five and 15 minutes to take effect.

Viagra takes longer than this to kick in as it is taken orally.

This means that the body absorbs the drug through the digestive system, which can take between 30 minutes to an hour.

What else is Spontan used for?

As it is still being developed and has not been released as a product yet, other uses for Spontan have not been released.

Currently testers are only focusing on its ability to treat erectile dysfunction.

However, if it is able to treat other medical issues it would not be the first erectile dysfunction medication to do so.

Viagra can also be used to treat pulmonary hypertension, which is high blood pressure in the blood vessels supplying the lungs.

Cialis is used to treat prostate enlargement.

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