What condition does Gregg Wallace’s son have?

TV presenter Gregg Wallace has revealed he will step back from his role on Inside the Factory to focus on his little boy, Sid.

The 58-year-old said his work commitments meant he had to spend too much time away from his family.

Gregg Wallace said he wants to focus his time on his little boy Sid, they are pictured together above

Gregg will continue to present Masterchef, but said that he had already filmed 12 episodes of Inside the Factory, hailing it a ‘good time to stop’.

Speaking on Gaby Roslin’s BBC Radio London show, Gregg admitted ‘it’s not easy’ caring for a child who is non verbal and has autism.

He said: “Imagine a child that you can’t threaten or bribe and that’s basically what you’ve got.

“You’ve got a little boy who’s cuddly and happy and naughty, like any little boy would be, but he can’t speak, he can’t talk to you, so he gets frustrated because he finds it difficult to tell you what exactly it is he needs.”

He said that along with his wife Anna, the couple are currently trying to find education for Sid, 3, something Gregg said wouldn’t be fair to leave down to just one parent.

“That’s a big, big decision.

“I mean, all parents worry about the schools that children will go to. Ours is even more highlighted because of poor little Sid’s issues,” he said.

What condition does Sid have?

Sid has autism and is non-verbal.

The NHS states that autism is not an illness or a disease and means that your brain works in a different way from other people.

It’s something you’re born with and in most cases, signs are noticed when you’re very young, or not until you’re older.

Guidance states that people with autism may find it hard to communicate and interact with other people.

They might also struggle to understand how other people think or feel and may also find it difficult to be around bright lights or loud noises – as this could be overwhelming to them.

Autistic people can also get anxious or upset about unfamiliar situations and social events, and may also take longer to understand information.

On top of this, they might also do or think the same things over and over again.

What are the signs of autism in young children?

If you’re worried your child might have autism, then there are some common signs to look out for, according to the NHS:

not responding to their nameavoiding eye contactnot smiling when you smile at themgetting very upset if they do not like a certain taste, smell or soundrepetitive movements, such as flapping their hands, flicking their fingers or rocking their bodynot talking as much as other childrennot doing as much pretend playrepeating the same phrases.

Gregg also said that Sid is non-verbal.

The NHS states that this could be down to physical health issues such as a hearing difficulty, a problem with eyesight or a developmental disorder.

Guidance states that these problems can come on gradually or happen overnight.

The NHS states that The Ace Centre offers help and support for children who have complex physical and communication difficulties, and for their parents, carers or therapists.

If you are worried about any of your child’s symptoms, then you should see your GP.

Gregg and his wife Anna will look for education for Sid, the pair are pictured together aboveInstagram/anna____wallace  Read More 
