What causes red and white spots on your penis and how can you get rid of them?

HAVE YOU ever glanced down there, only to notice little white or red spots on your penis?

Firstly, you’re not alone in this and there’s no cause to panic or be embarrassed.

You should always speak to your doctor if you think you might have an issue down below

And though you might not like the idea of going to a doctor to discuss your manhood, it’s probably a good idea to push that embarrassment down.

Spots – either white or red – can appear on your penis for any number of reasons, some more serious than others.

They may appear on their own, in clumps and their size may vary too.

If they cause pain, appear alongside discharge or have any other unusual symptoms, you should speak to a doctor as soon as you can.

Genital warts are the second most common STI in the UK and cause small, fleshy growths to appear on the genitals

What causes white spots on your penis?

Whether it’s herpes or an ingrown hair, the are a number of reasons as to why you could have spots on your penis.

It’s important that you have open conversations with your sexual partners about any issues you are facing down there, especially if you think your discomfort could be down to an STI.

Here’s what could cause white spots down there.

1. Genital warts

Genital warts are small, fleshy growths that appear on or around the genital area or around your bum.

They are a viral skin infection caused by the human papilloma virus (HPV).

The warts are usually painless and do not pose a threat to your health, but they can cause some itching.

And they can be ugly to look at which can be upsetting for some people.

It can take months, or even years, for warts to develop after infection with HPV.

So if you’re in a relationship and you get genital warts, it does not necessarily mean your partner has been having sex with other people.

It’s important to keep an eye on the health of your penis so that you can notice any new changes

2. Herpes

Another STI that can cause white spots on your manhood is herpes.

Herpes is an infection caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV) that causes painful, itchy blisters on the genitals and areas that surround them.

It is a chronic, long-term condition and the virus remains in your body for the rest of your life. That means it can become active again, triggered by things such as sunbeds or sunbathing, friction in your genital area, smoking and drinking.

You may also get a flare up from circumstances outside of your control, such as stress, being unwell, surgery, or having a weakened immune system, according to the NHS.

The HSV is contagious and can be passed on through unprotected sex.

Even if someone with genital herpes doesn’t have any symptoms, it’s possible for them to pass the condition on to a sexual partner.

Around eight in 10 people who carry the virus are unaware they are, according to the NHS.

3. Yeast infections

You’re probably thinking thrush is something only women get, but you’d be wrong.

Thrush is caused by a group of yeasts called Candida.

It develops when there is an imbalance of micro-organisms, causing the Candida to multiply.

On blokes it can cause redness around the head of the penis as well as spots, irritation and white/yellow discharge.

It is possible for thrush to spread through sex – although it is not an STI.

It is advisable that both sexual partners seek treatment at the same time to prevent re-infection.

Just like anywhere else on the body, you can get pimples on your penisGetty – Contributor

4. Pimples

Just like anywhere else on your body, you can get pimples down there.

Acne doesn’t just occur on the face, it can also occur on the back, chest and other parts of the body.

A pimple forms when your pores become infected by bacteria.

Most pimples will only cause minor discomfort and disappear on their own.

You should never pop a pimple – especially down there – as it can lead to further infection and inflammation, something you definitely don’t want on your manhood.

You should never pop a spot down there

5. Ingrown hair

When you have an ingrown hair, you’ll notice a small bump on the skin that can sometimes be painful to touch.

If you wax or shave down there you are more likely to get an ingrown hair.

Most ingrown hairs grow out on their own but if you start to notice signs of infection – think pus – then you need to treat it.

You can try things like exfoliation or a warm compress to help clear it up.

In severe cases, such as when it becomes infected, it may need to be treated with antibiotics.

6. Balanitis

This is one that’ll have men everywhere crossing their legs.

Balanitis is pain, redness and swelling of the tip of the penis and foreskin.

It can also cause whitish, lumpy discharge and spots.

It is often caused by an allergic reaction or irritation.

Your doctor can prescribe antibacterial or antifungal creams to clear up the condition.

Stretching exercises to loosen the foreskin may also be needed to reduce inflammation.

7. Penile papules

You’ve probably never heard of this one.

Penile papules are small, non-cancerous bumps that appear on the head of the penis.

The often occur in rows that circle the head and can be pink, yellow, white or clear.

It is not known what causes the papules but they are harmless and do not require treatment unless they become painful.

If they do bother you though you can have them frozen off using cryosurgery or lasered off.

8. Fordyce spots

Another one you’ve probably never heard of.

Fordyce spots are small white bumps on your manhood cause by abnormal sebaceous glands.

You might only notice one or you might notice 50 or more.

They are harmless and not caught through unprotected sex,

But if they cause discomfort or you just want them removed there are plenty of surgical options, including laser and electrosurgery, to have them removed.

What causes red spots on your penis?

If you’re noticing red spots on your penis they could be caused by may of the same reasons as white spots, including such as genital herpes, balanitis or a yeast infection. But there might be some other conditions behind the mystifying dots on your manhood.


 1. Syphilis

Syphilis is an STI caused by a bacterium called Treponema pallidum, which is spread through unprotected sex with someone who’s infected.

The first symptom you might notice is a circular, red, painless sore on your penis and genital area. If left untreated, it can spread and advance to other parts of your body.

Other syphilis symptoms can be mild and hard to notice, according to the NHS, such as flu-like symptoms, swollen glands, patchy hair loss on the head beard and eyebrows and a rash on your palms and soles. You might also notice some grey or warty growths on your penis or around your bum.

If you think you or your partner has syphilis, you should go to a GP or sexual health clinic immediately.

Even if symptoms go away temporarily, you’re still at risk of passing it on and getting serious problems later on.

Recent government figures showed that syphilis diagnoses in England had surged to their highest level since 1948.

2. Scabies

You can get scabies when mites burrow into your skin to live, eat skin cells, and lay eggs. These mites are spread through close contact — usually sexual activity — with someone who already has them.

The symptoms of scabies are:

intense itching, especially at night
a raised rash or spots

The spots may look red but they are more difficult to see on dark skin – you should still  be able to feel them. The rash tends to spread to your whole body except your head.

Though it’s not a serious condition, you should talk to a pharmacist if you think you have it.

3. Molluscum contagiosum

Molluscum contagiosum is an infection clusters of domed red spots with a shiny white dimple in the middle. It’s usually harmless and rarely needs treatment.

But’s spread through skin-to-skin contact or by sharing towels, clothes, bedding, or other materials with someone who’s infected.

You should see a GP if the spots become itchy, painful and covered in crusts.

4. Jock itch

Jock itch, or tinea cruris, is a genital infection caused by fungi that usually happens when you sweat a lot or don’t wash your genital area well enough. Athletes are quite commonly affected by it.

The most common symptoms are red spots or a rash in your genital area and your our skin may also appear dry, scaly, or flaky.

Why improving your hygiene may help symptoms, you should see a GP if they last for more than a few days, as they can prescribe anti-fungal cream or ointment.


How can I get rid of red or white spots on my penis?

If the spots – be they red or white – are causing you discomfort, the best course of action is to consult a GP, pharmacist or sexual health clinic so they can advise you on how to treat them, In some cases, improving your personal hygiene can help matters.


When should I see a doctor?

The NHS says that you should see a doctor or visit a sexual health clinic if you are worried about a spot, lump or growth on your penis.

Sexual health clinics are able to offer a range of services that might be better suited to your needs if you think you issue is related to an infection.

They can help with both testing and treatment and can also refer you to a specialist if they think the issue is more serious.



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