A SHOCKING video showing a woman branded as a ‘Karen’ ranting at a driver after she pulls out in front of him has gone viral on social media.
The video was filmed with an in-car dash cam in the UK – and the “Karen” yelled and swore at the driver rather than apologising for her mistake.
A video showing a woman branded as a Karen ranting at a driver has gone viral on social mediaTikTok/@ysclaimss
Thankfully, both drivers avoided a collision[/caption]
At the beginning of the video, the ‘Karen’ pulls out at a junction but doesn’t realise that another car is approaching on the main road.
Thankfully, both cars were able to avoid a collision.
Shockingly, the ‘Karen’, instead of apologising to the other driver, starts shouting and swearing at him in the presence of her two children.
The video title caption reads: ‘ Karen needs to revisit her theory.’
Seconds after nearly crashing, the dash cam driver asks the Karen: “What’re you doing?”
“You pulled out in front of me.”
The Karen answered: “What the f*** are you doing?”
The driver with the dashcam answered: “It’s a give way, love, give way, you stupid b****.
A voiceover on the video says: “Stay calm after an accident and give YS claims a ring.”
The video uploaded by @ysclaimss had more than 65,000 views and 65 comments on TikTok.
Users on TikTok were divided after watching the footage.
One said: “Nah, she pulled out without enough time for you to slow down.”
Another said: “I understand that she is in the wrong, but why not slow down?”.
While a third pointed out: “Her reaction winds me up more than the error. It p***** me off when people make an error and then blame you.”
This comes after a ‘Karen’ neighbour demanded a group of young lads move their cars off their property.
Plus, a man recorded the moment a neighbour complained about his cars and bikes.