Watch as reckless driver overtakes learner, forcing instructor to take control – but people are divided

A DRIVING instructor has revealed a dash cam video of a reckless driver overtaking a learner on the wrong side of the road.

The dangerous manoeuvre from the speedy driver forced the tutor to take control of the learner’s car, to help avoid a potential collision – but viewers are divided on whether this would be a fail in a test situation.

The Renault Megane comes speeding past in the opposite lane

The instructor reassures the learner and explains what happened

The video footage shows a novice driver travelling down a straight road, with the instructor in the front passenger seat.

After a few seconds, the tutor notices a speeding car approaching in the rear view mirror.

But the fast-moving motor doesn’t stop – instead whizzing past in the opposite lane.

The instructor intervenes by slowing the car down with the dual control brakes and also holding onto the steering wheel – making sure the overtaking car has as much room as possible.

Another car travelling in the opposite lane also has to brake to avoid the oncoming car – a Renault Megane.

Poster, @clearviewdriving, reassures the learner that the incident wasn’t her fault and asks if she’s ok. 

They then carry on, only to discover the idiot driver is only a little way ahead.

The instructor says: “How silly, so dangerous with oncoming traffic as well.

“That was so unnecessary for them – look, he’s just over there.”

Viewers were quick to take to the comments section.

One said: “Happened to me once and the instructor failed me.”

Another replied: “You always have to be aware of your surroundings. I feel like the driver should’ve watched out for that.”

While a further viewer asked: “Is this a fault on the test cos u had to take control?”

To answer people’s questions, the poster uploaded a further video outlining why it wouldn’t have been a fail in a driving test situation.

The instructor stated: “No, you wouldn’t fail your test if something like this happened and the examiner has had to take control, as it was not the learner’s fault at all.

“It was just a dangerous driver and it was just a matter of dealing with the situation as safely as possible.”

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