Watch as flight attendant exposes the dirtiest spots on a plane

PLANES can be disgusting places for passengers to sit, especially if they aren’t aware of just how many germs could be surrounding them.

It turns out there are several grim surfaces in plane cabins that should either be sanitised, or just avoided altogether.

TikTok/katkamalaniThe seatback pockets are among the dirtiest surfaces on the planes[/caption]

TikTok/katkamalaniThe air conditioning outlets were also high up on Kat’s list of dirty places on planes[/caption]

TikTok/katkamalaniKat said that parents use tray tables to change their babies’ nappies[/caption]

Those surfaces were highlighted by flight attendant Kat Kamalani (@katkamalani) who explained how infrequently some things were cleaned.

In a video on her Tiktok, she said: “The nastiest parts on an aeroplane from a flight attendant.

“First things first, do not touch the backseat pocket. They clean them out between flights, but they don’t sanitise them.

“Think of all the dirty tissues, barf bags, and garbage that has been in there.

“Next, if you’re going to use your tray table, make sure you sanitise it.

“I have seen so many parents use this as a changing table for their child’s diaper. And then they put it in the backseat pocket.

“Those air vents, they’ve seen thousands of hands. Wipe them down before you touch them.

“Next up is our safety guide cards. We don’t sanitise them. And a lot of people touch and read these to pass by time.”

Kat then showed the seatbelt buckle, which all passengers have to touch to strap themselves in.

She simply added: “Yeah, just wipe it”.

Finally, she explained that the toilet door a bad place for germs too, saying: “Next, when entering the lavatory, use a tissue to lock the door.”

She finished by providing a handy hint for female passengers.

She said: “And a little tip for females you can always find pads hidden in a compartment in the lavatory.”

Kat’s followers were disgusted by some of the information she’d revealed, saying they thought planes were cleaned more often.

One said: “So…what do you guys clean?”

Another wrote: “So basically nothing gets cleaned…. now my fear of flying got worse.”

A third added: “Now I don’t even want to fly anymore.”

Those surfaces aren’t the only ones to make flight attendants feel queasy, with Sun Online Travel’s resident cabin crew member explaining why they think the floor is even worse.

They said: “Parents should never let their kids crawl on the floor because it’s absolutely disgusting.

“It’s rare that the floors are cleaned properly and, while it’s good to expose your kids to some germs, that many is almost certainly a bad idea.

“I also wouldn’t advise walking around barefoot, or even just with socks on while flying.”

Meanwhile, this simple item could make planes much cleaner places for passengers.

And this woman revealed a game-changing £1 travel item she never leaves behind.

TikTok/katkamalaniToilet doors on planes are another surface that’s rife with germs[/caption]

TikTok/katkamalaniA lot of passengers touch the safety cards, making them dirtier than other places[/caption]

TikTok/katkamalaniKat recommends that passengers clean their seatbelt buckles[/caption]   
