Warning to passengers who copy viral packing hacks – as teen gets fined by airline

A TEENAGER tried to use a clever Tiktok hack to get extra luggage onto an aeroplane, but ended up being caught out by the airline.

With passengers charged to bring more than a small amount of carry-on baggage onto flights, people try and use creative methods to cheat the system.

Kennedy Newsand MediaAdriana’s bag was almost twice as heavy as the permitted weight[/caption]

Kennedy Newsand MediaThe pair got into trouble when their bags were weighed at the airport[/caption]

Kennedy Newsand MediaThey were fined for trying to take their luggage onto the plane by wearing it[/caption]

One person who did just that was Adriana Ocampo, who tried to dodge an airline’s baggage charge by wearing almost six kilos of clothing – but got fined anyway.

The passenger piled on 15 garments, including t-shirts, jackets, jumpers and trousers after realising her carry-on luggage exceeded the maximum weight limit of seven kilos.

The 19-year-old was travelling with airline Jetstar from Melbourne to her home in Adelaide, Australia, after a girls’ trip with her friend Emily Altamura in March.

The hospitality worker knew her baggage, which weighed 12.5kg, was nearly double the limit, but hoped that cabin crew wouldn’t have time to check.

However, when it came time for the pair to board the plane they spotted that staff were weighing passengers’ luggage.

So, Adriana flung open her case and piled on as many items of clothing as she possibly could in a bid to swerve a costly fine.

Emily also followed suit, as her case was also over the limit.

A video shows Adriana in stitches as she and her friend layer themselves with multiple tops and jackets, as well as stuffing garments and even an iPad down their baggy trousers.

The duo then tried to board the flight, hoping their bags would be light enough to avoid the charge – but Adriana’s bag was still more than one kilo over the limit.

Despite piling on even more, with Adriana wearing five-and-a-half kilos of clothing, the comically-oversized pair conceded defeat and claim to each have stumped up a $65 (£35) fine.

Adriana said she was forced to sit on the one 80-minute flight home “looking like Augustus Gloop from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory” while wrapped in 15 items of clothing.

Adriana said: “I was in my hotel room and could barely close my luggage and I knew my bag was somewhat over the limit.

“When we went to board, we saw them pulling out a trolley with a scale.

“We thought the only way we can take the weight off our bags is if we put it on ourselves so we started putting on our jackets and coats but we were still over the limit.

“I looked like a bear. I’m small and petite and I looked the complete opposite. It reminded me of the boy from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory [Augustus Gloop].

“They said we had to get rid of the stuff on our bodies and we had to pay.

“Everyone in line was staring at us and laughing at us, it was kind of embarrassing. People were annoyed that we were holding the plane up.”

Adriana claims she travelled by bus on the outbound journey so hadn’t needed to weigh her case and that her mistake left her “sweating” on the flight home.

She continued: “I caught the bus to Melbourne and knew my bag was somewhat over the limit.

“I’ve travelled with the airline before and not really had an issue with the weight.”

A Jetstar Airways spokesman said: “While we certainly see the funny side, we have limits to carry-on to make it fair for everyone.

“Keeping track of how much baggage passengers bring onboard means everyone has room for their belongings and we’re meeting our safety requirements.”

Meanwhile, this Ryanair flight attendant revealed the hilarious truth about Tiktok hand luggage hacks

And this is the perfect bag for to buy to use for hand luggage.

Kennedy Newsand MediaAdriana said she felt like Augustus Gloop from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory[/caption]  Read More 
