Warning to Brits as cost of daily staple foods soar by up to 74%

THE cost of trying to eat a healthy five a day fruit and veg has soared by 74 per cent.

And shoppers have been hit by another surge in price in the past seven days.

The cost of trying to eat a healthy five a day fruit and veg has soared by 74 per cent

The biggest cause of soaring prices is rising energy costs which are affecting all parts of fresh food production, from planting to picking to processing to transport

Potatoes, cucumbers, carrots and mushrooms were all found to have suddenly cost more according to the latest tracking by trade magazine The Grocer.

It found cucumber prices were nine per cent higher than a week ago. They now cost 75p at Aldi, marking a 74 per cent rise since this time last year.

A pack of six salad tomatoes is up 23 per cent to 87p on average — but Morrisons is charging 99p, 68 per cent more than last year. Closed-cup mushrooms are now 94p, up by 58 per cent at Aldi.

The biggest cause is rising energy costs which are affecting all parts of fresh food production, from planting to picking to processing to transport.

In some cases, price rises may have arisen from shortages of homegrown products.

Many growers facing rising bills and a lack of casual labour during the picking season, have reduced the amount of crops they plant in the first place.

Ali Capper, chair of British Apples & Pears, said growers’ costs had risen 23 per cent over the past year.

But she added they had been “met with almost static average fruit prices paid by retailers”.

As a result, many growers simply did not plant trees.

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