Warning to anyone burning scented candles at home over significant health risks

WE all like our home to smell lovely.

But experts have warned that how you achieve that signature scent, could be putting your health at risk.

GettyOne expert has warned that using candles could cause health issues[/caption]

Dr Svetlana Stevanovic, a professor at Deakin University in Melbourne, Australia, said your favourite candle could be harbouring high numbers of potentially toxic chemicals.

She explained that candles, wax melts, or any scents that are being emitted are associated with the emission of volatile organic compounds and also small particles that stay in the air.

“When we burn (candles), during the combustion process … we have a lot of little particulates that are being released and many of them are going directly to our lungs.

“It is well established that that is causing a range of different negative health effects,” the expert told 7NEWS.

Prof Stevanovic explained that burning candles could leave you with several issues including headaches and allergic reactions.

The expert added that if you have asthma or other respiratory issues, then the burning of candles could make your symptoms worse.

“Once we emit something into the air it keeps changing, so it won’t even be the same as when we burn it – it will be oxidised, it will change … and then it becomes even more toxic for us,” she added.

The Professor said that people using scents in the home should be wary of the dangers, as around a third of the population is sensitive to these ‘volatile’ compounds of scents.

According to Stevanovic, pollution inside the home is higher than that outside.

This is because outdoors, there is wind and a larger mass of air.

When we use candles at home, she said we are ‘basically putting new pollutants into the air’.

And you might think you’re off the hook if you’re using so-called ‘natural or organic’ candles when it comes to toxicity, but Prof Stevanovic said that’s just not the case.

She added that manufacturers aren’t obligated to disclose all of the compounds used in their products.

“Natural doesn’t mean that if we inhale it all the time it’s good for us, so we should do everything in moderation,” the expert added.

But if you still want to use your candles, the Professor said there are some things you can do to minimise your risk.

She said that inside spaces need to be kept well ventilated, so opening windows and having plants in the home would help.

Dr Dan Gubler, a chemistry doctor and former professor, previously said candles are a form of indoor pollution which people often don’t think about.

“Candles are made of cheap paraffin wax, they’re made of artificial fragrances and dyes.

“And when we burn that it gives off carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, benzopyrene, toluene and other volatile compounds.

“They’re not good for the body. They interfere with the body’s ability to reproduce [cells],” he said.

What’s the evidence?

There is no direct evidence that candle use can lead to disease.

Still, many research teams have theorised that the toxic fumes generated by the wax and wick could be harmful in the long term. 

Some studies find that burning paraffin wax releases volatile compounds – like toluene, mentioned by Dr Gubler – and these have been linked to a higher risk of cancer.

However, some experts argue that the amount of volatile compounds released by candles is so small it can’t be proven to cause cancer in humans.

For example, a 2007 study funded by the European Candle Association examined every major type of wax for 300 toxic chemicals.

The researchers found the level of chemicals released by each type of candle was well below the amount that would cause human health problems, Healthline reported.

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