Warning for nearly 1million homes as exact date set for huge switch that will make energy meters ‘dumb’ – how to avoid

OVER 900,000 households could see their energy bills climb if they don’t take action before an electricity meter switch off.

Hundreds of thousands of customers on Economy 7 and other multi-rate energy tariffs use these meters, which charge customers cheaper rates depending on the time of day.

John Gunion – The Sun GlasgowEconomy 7 and other multi-rate electricity meters that run off the RTS will stop working as intended next summer[/caption]

But these devices rely on the Radio Teleswicth Service (RTS), originally set to stop functioning from March 31, 2024.

And its switch-off could lead to huge bill hikes for nearly one million households.

The devices rely on the Radio Teleswitch Service (RTS) which broadcasts a signal alongside the long-wave channel for BBC Radio 4.

This signal is then picked up by the meter and used to switch the electricity rates at different times of the day.

Some RTS electricity meters can also automatically turn heating and hot water systems on and off during certain hours.

However, once the RTS signal is switched off, these devices will no longer function as intended.

Once this happens, households could be left stuck paying peak time electricity rates depending on when the RTS signal dies.

It could also leave those with heating systems controlled by RTS on or off permanently.

However, to consider how many customers still rely on these ageing meters, Energy UK has extended the deadline for the switch following calls from suppliers and coverage by The Sun last year.

The RTS signal will now shut down on June 30, 2025, giving nearly one million households more time to act to avoid the consequences.

But the only way to avoid facing the issues expected to arise from the RTS switch-off is for affected households to switch to a smart meter.

Dhara Vyas, Energy UK’s deputy chief executive, said: “Along with consumer groups, we are urging RTS customers to act now – either by responding to contact from their supplier or getting in contact themselves.

“Doing so in good time ahead of next summer‘s deadline will minimise the disruption, help ensure a smooth upgrade to a smart meter and mean that customers continue to enjoy the benefits they currently get from RTS.”

Customers switching to a smart meter will still access muti-rate energy tariffs including Economy 7.

An Ofgem spokesperson said: “Suppliers have to make sure meters are safe and accurate, and this sometimes means replacing the meter. We expect suppliers to communicate clearly to their customers about this.”

However, if you don’t hear from your energy supplier, Energy UK recommends that customers get in touch to enquire about having a smart meter fitted.

The RTS was originally meant to be shut off back in 2014, but energy suppliers have been keeping the service on life support as they act to move their customers over to new meters.

How do I know if I have an RTS meter?

YOU’LL be able to tell if you have a meter that relies on the RTS quite easily.

The oldest RTS-powered meters have a switch box labelled “Radio Teleswitch” located next to the physical electricity meter.

Others may the RTS switch box included within the electricity meter as a single box on the wall.

If you’re unsure about the type of electricity meter in your home – call your supplier as they’ll usually have this information on hand.

What are the benefits of installing a smart meter?

Having a smart meter installed doesn’t cost you anything – your energy supplier will do it for free.

The same rule goes for all customers affected by the RTS switch off.

Smart meters are designed so that you no longer need to send energy suppliers traditional meter readings once you’ve got one.

You will no longer have to give meter readings, and you won’t be visited by a meter reader to record your usage.

This makes your bill more accurate too, as it’s based on readings from actual usage, rather than estimates.

The devices also let you track how much energy you use at night, during the day and at peak times.

An in-home display is also usually provided, which connects to the meter and shows your energy usage and the cost in pounds and pence.

You can save money on your energy bills using a smart meter.

It won’t save you money just by having one.

But being able to see your energy usage and the cost could help you understand where you can cut back.

Customers with RTS electricity meters that switch to a smart meter can still access flexible electricity tariffs if they opt for one.

