Warning for MILLIONS of iPhone users before going on holiday this year

HOLIDAYS are a time to chill out, but it’s important to not get too relaxed when it comes to your tech security.

Cyber crooks often prey on holiday-goers and tourists, so make sure you’re not making any iPhone, Facebook or WhatsApp blunders this summer.

GettyWhen travelling, you’ll almost certainly use public WiFi, but be very careful – it’s fraught with risk[/caption]

“Flight cancellations aren’t the only thing you should be wary of when preparing for your next holiday,” cyber-protection firm Panda Security warned.

“Travellers shouldn’t just be worried about pick-pockets on their next vacation but should also be wary of their cyber security.”

The cyber security experts have shared four tips to stay safe online this summer.

Public WiFi

When travelling, you’ll almost certainly use public WiFi.

This could be at a restaurant, airport or some other public venue.

But be very careful – it’s fraught with risk.

“Hackers have ways to monitor the traffic that comes in and out of public Wi-Fi networks,” said Panda Security.

“The traffic can include everything, such as personal passwords and social security numbers.

“So, if you plan on using public Wi-Fi, keep in mind that anything you are sharing on your smartphone while connected to the network might be something you are unintentionally communicating to a third party.”

Consider also using a VPN app, which encrypts your activity so hackers can’t see what you’re doing.

Social media

Going on holiday is always a highlight of the year.

So you’ll absolutely want to show off your vacation on social media.

Still, you’ll need to do it safely.

“Sharing your location could point out to troublemakers that you’re away from home,” Panda Security explained.

“Burglary is on the rise on the UK and the more you share on social media the more information you put out into the world for people to take advantage of.”

Consider only uploading photos and videos once you’re home.

Find my device

Losing your iPhone in the UK can be a real pain.

But losing it on holiday can make matters even worse.

Thankfully there’s an Apple feature that can track down a lost iPhone even if it’s switched off.

“Making sure you can find your device if things go sideways is an essential,” said Panda Security.

“Turn on features such as iOS ‘Find My’ to be able to track your device in case of an incident or especially if you want to share your location with your friends and family.”

Public access PCs

When we’re not at home, we sometimes have to rely on public resources.

This could include a public PC – maybe one at the hotel you’re staying at, in a library, or at the airport.

Sadly this always comes with risk, so use these machines with caution.

“Travellers should think twice before typing in sensitive information or connecting smart devices of USB sticks to a public PC,” Panda Security warned.

“Hackers have the power to log all the information you enter and infect your connected device with.”

The cyber-experts added: “As we’re all returning to travel, utilise these tips and tricks to be more prepared for your upcoming summer holiday.

“Updating your apps and OS to ensure your data is backed up safely to ensure all your images are safe and sound in case anything is lost and broken in a holiday.”

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Get all the latest WhatsApp, Instagram, Facebook and other tech gadget stories here.

Featured Image Credit: Apple / Unsplash / Emojipedia / The Sun

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