Wall Street Journal’s Report on “Victims” of Guo Wengui/Miles Guo Fails to Identify Actual Victims

(Note: This is a sponsored post from NewNoah. The opinions expressed are those of the author and not necessarily those of Gateway Pundit)

by Matt Palumbo

Following public outrage and global protests by GTV investors after it was revealed that no identifiable victims exit in DOJ’s bogus fraud case against Guo Wengui, the CCP and Guo’s critics are firing back – or at least trying to.

Guo (also known as Miles Guo and Miles Kwok), was arrested on March 15, 2023, and has been held without bail ever since. As Southern District of New York prosecutors argue to keep Guo imprisoned, they claimed that “between April 20, 2020 and June 2, 2020, Kwok [Guo] and his co-conspirators sold approximately $452 million worth of stock to over 5,500 investors” in his media company GTV. Yet, of these 5,500+ investors,  the SDNY named zero of them specifically as victims, and provides no evidence they see themselves as such.

Weeks later, the Wall Street Journal’s Sha Hua, who worked in China and lives in Singapore, claims to have finally found some of them – yet her list raises even more questions.

Her article walks through the narratives from a number of claimed investors with a similar story arc – that they were fans of Guo and his mission, wanted to invest in him, and then didn’t get the returns they were promised, or were unable to withdraw their money. Before diving in to the individuals specifically, it’s essential to note that the article’s main flaw is that the only reason investors don’t have access to their money is because the government has seized it.

Hua of all people should know this, because back in August 2020, merely two months after GTV finished its first fundraising, she herself reported in the WSJ that the SEC and FBI were investigating and seizing investor funds from GTV. As a result of this early attack by the government, GTV never even had the chance to grow.

As was pointed out in a prior article, the government is the only one harming GTV investors, as all of the investor’s money is accounted for; the SDNY’s prosecutors allege that Guo perpetrated a $1.14 billion fraud – yet court filings show that $633.6 million in cash was seized from Guo, and that was in addition to $539 million already seized by the SEC. In other words, the SDNY alleges a fraud of $1.14 billion – and more than that amount, $1.17 billion in cash, was seized. How could Guo have funded his lifestyle with investor dollars when all the money (and then some) is there? (The reason New York prosecutors want his money is simple – so they can use it to fund their own office and further their corrupt witch hunts).

That aside, there are some supposed investors cited in the Wall Street Journal that raise even more red flags.

One individual quoted is a man named Li Zhenghua from Russia. The mere fact that this individual is presently living in Russia destroys all credibility of his claims. As noted in recent reports, Russia has just announced a “no-limit friendship” with the CCP. Even U.S. citizens are warned to depart Russia immediately or face extortions, and abductions for no apparent cause.  Russia is an autocratic state in no position to tolerate criticism of Xi and the CCP. But that’s exactly what a past investment in GTV, a media platform dedicated to exposing the CCP, tells the world: that you oppose the CCP’s tyrannical rule and want to see its downfall.

That a person presently living in Russia can go on the front page of the WSJ to tell the world that he “hates” the CCP without facing any consequences is telling on its own: he is not scared of the CCP because he is not against the CCP. Furthering the obscurity of his claims, Li is described in the WSJ article as someone who lost faith in Guo after apparently seeing him eat Wagyu beef.

Maybe next time the Wall Street Journal of the CCP can write about a “victim” from mainland China, upping its propagandizing standard. Remember, propaganda is antithetical to truth. The more powerful the truth, the more ridiculous the propaganda.

Documents reviewed by the author showed that Zou Ruifang, another so-called investor, invested $50,000 on August 24, 2020, and was refunded exactly $50,000 on August 5, 2021 via a wire transfer. And another person named Liu Jun, supposedly located in Tokyo, could not yet be identified as an investor. According to sources familiar with the matter, no record of Liu’s participating in GTV’s offerings could be located at the time of this writing.

Again, more “investor infiltrators”: a classic communist tactic.

The last one of the individuals listed, Xinze Chu, is described by the WSJ as a “Los Angeles-based truck driver.” They don’t mention he’s accused of fraud in a $73,500 lawsuit in California. According to a legal complaint filed in March 2023, Chu is accused of breach of contract, fraudulent inducement, negligent misrepresentation, and equitable indemnity. Specifically, the filing alleges that Chu misrepresented his affiliation with the Chinese whistleblower movement as cover to enter into a contract with a buyer to sell/transfer 3,500 tokens of the cryptocurrency H-Coin, for the price of $21 each. The lawsuit alleges that Chu never delivered the $73,500 worth of tokens to the buyer, despite taking $73,500 from the buyer (likely because he doesn’t own them). Attempts to contact Chu by the buyer have also been unsuccessful.

What are the odds that all “victims” willing to come forward have circumstances surrounding them like is documented here? Even after the Wall Street Journal devoted an entire article to trying to identify victims of Guo’s alleged fraud – the grand question still remains: where are the victims?

While prosecutors were happy to grant bail to the likes of Bernie Madoff and Sam Bankman-Fried, Guo remains behind bars without a single victim identified.

Don’t be fooled, this is still America, it’s just not our America, it’s the CCP’s America.

About the author: Matt Palumbo is the author of The Man Behind the Curtain: Inside the Secret Network of George Soros (2021), Dumb and Dumber: How Cuomo and de Blasio Ruined New York (2020), Debunk This!: Shattering Liberal Lies (2019), and Spygate (2018).

The post Wall Street Journal’s Report on “Victims” of Guo Wengui/Miles Guo Fails to Identify Actual Victims appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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