Wall Street Journal Poll: Trump Has Nearly Doubled Support Among Black Men and Women Since 2020


In 2020, Donald Trump made significant gains among black voters. In 2024, the numbers are even greater.

According to a new Wall Street Journal poll, Trump’s support among black men and women has doubled since 2020.

Many people are attributing these gains to the crisis at the southern border, which is now seriously impacting American cities across the country, as well as inflation and the Biden economy.

Breitbart News reports:

WSJ Poll: Donald Trump Nearly Doubles Support Among Black Men and Women Since 2020

Thirty percent of black men and 11 percent of black women intend to vote for former President Donald Trump in 2024, Wall Street Journal polling found Thursday, which is a significant increase from 2020 data.

Losing black support would be a blow to President Joe Biden’s reelection campaign.

Only 12 percent of black men voted for Trump in 2020, voting data shows. There is no compatible 2020 polling for black men.

In 2020, six percent of black women said they would vote for Trump, Associated Press polling found, five points less than the Journal‘s 2024 polling.

In more good news for Trump, 42 percent of black women remain up for grabs in 2024, the Journal survey showed…

This news should worry Democrats and the Biden campaign.

NEW WSJ POLL: Biden Loses Support Among Black Men

“Our coalition message to Black and Hispanic communities this election is simple: If you want strong borders, safe neighborhoods, rising wages, quality jobs, school choice and the return of the strongest economy in over 60…

— Karoline Leavitt (@kleavittnh) April 11, 2024

More Black men say they plan to back Donald Trump this fall than in 2020, according to a recent Wall Street Journal poll of seven swing states https://t.co/yp3ho7uMF8 via @WSJ

— Sean Spicer (@seanspicer) April 11, 2024

A new poll suggests that President Joe Biden is facing a drop-off in support amongst Black male voters.https://t.co/6tmR0st6TB https://t.co/GIdh0EP5zT

— NEWSMAX (@NEWSMAX) April 12, 2024

This development shouldn’t be too surprising. Everyone is suffering under Biden, regardless of color.

The post Wall Street Journal Poll: Trump Has Nearly Doubled Support Among Black Men and Women Since 2020 appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

