Video shows speeding truck chasing terrified moose as it runs along northern Idaho river

A video recorded earlier this month shows a terrified moose running along a river in northern Idaho as it tries to escape a truck chasing it from behind.

Nicholas Strother told Storyful that he and his friends were kayaking on the Coeur D’Alene River on June 5 when they spotted the moose running at full speed.

“We heard a horn honking and a car revving their engine,” he said. “We turned to the road and saw the moose running.”

Idaho law states, according to Title 36 Fish and Game, it is unlawful to chase a game animal with a motorized vehicle.

According to local news outlets, Idaho Fish and Game is now investigating the incident.

This isn’t the only report of people getting too close to animals.

Park rangers at national parks have been investigating several reports in which tourists have approached wildlife, which, in some cases, has led to them needing to be euthanized as to not become a danger to themselves or national park visitors.

Most recently, National Park Service rangers have launched an investigation into two people who were accused of “harassing” a bison calf inside Grand Teton National Park.

Many of those encounters occurred in Yellowstone National Park, where animals such as bison, bears and other wildlife freely roam the grounds and can often come within feet of tourists.

The short distance between the animals and tourists can potentially be deadly, but that hasn’t stopped some tourists from approaching them for a selfie.

Over the Memorial Day weekend, park visitors placed a baby elk into their car and brought the calf to the West Yellowstone, Montana, Police Department.

Before that, a park visitor helped a baby bison out of a waterway. This encounter led the pack to reject the calf, leading park officials to euthanize the animal so it would no longer be a hazard to itself and humans. Officials also charged the park visitor with a $500 fine and a series of other fees.

“We just ask that people, if they come across the baby animal, leave it where it is, give it space, don’t disturb it, and definitely don’t touch it,” said Justin Schwabedisse, park official at Grand Teton National Park. “If we as humans touch that animal, the mother may come back and abandon that animal. So, just leave the animal in its place.”

The National Park Service cautions park visitors from approaching wildlife and to stay at least a football field, or about 100 yards, away from animals to ensure a safe park experience.

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