VIDEO: Robert Kennedy, Jr. Responds to Vicious Smears and Lies Against Him by Democrats and Media – Calls for Unity

The Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government is holding a hearing this morning on Capitol Hill starting at 9:00 a.m. ET.

The hearing will examine the federal government’s role in censoring Americans, the Missouri v. Biden case, and Big Tech’s collusion with out-of-control government agencies to silence speech.


** Robert F. Kennedy Jr., attorney
** Emma-Jo Morris, journalist at Breitbart News
** D. John Sauer, Special Assistant Attorney General, Louisiana Department of Justice

** John Sauer has represented The Gateway Pundit in two prominent First Amendment lawsuits.
** Robert Kennedy Jr. and The Gateway Pundit filed a separate lawsuit with several plaintiffs in another First Amendment case.

During the hearing, DEMOCRAT lawmakers organized a vicious attack against Robert Kennedy, Jr.

Democrats are horrified that one of their own would support First Amendment rights in America today.

You Can’t Make This Up: House Democrats Vote to Censure RFK Jr. During Hearing on Censorship (VIDEO)

Robert Kennedy, Jr. then responded to Democrats and the American public.

Robert Kennedy Jr.: I didn’t talk about vaccines in that speech. I didn’t talk about anything that was a verboten subject. I just was talking about my campaign things, the conversation that we ought to be having with each other as Americans. But I was shut down. And that is why the First Amendment is important.

Debate, congenial, respectful debate is the is the fertilizer. It’s the water, it’s the sunlight for our democracy. We need to be talking to each other. This is at letter, and many of you signed many of my fellow Democrats. I’ve spent my life in this party.

I’ve devoted my life to the values of this party. This 102 people sign this. This itself is evidence of the problem that this hearing was convened to address. This is an attempt to censor a censorship hearing.

The charges and by the way, censorship is antithetical to our party. It was appalling to my father, to my uncle, to FDR, to Harry Truman, to Thomas Jefferson, as the chairman referred to. It is the basis for democracy. It sets us apart from all of the previous forms of government. We need to be able to talk.

And the First Amendment was not written for easy speech. It was written for the speech that nobody likes you for. And I was censored not just by the Democratic administration. I was censored by the Trump administration. I was the first person censored by the as the chairman pointed out, by the Biden administration.

Watch the entire speech here.

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