VIDEO: Lesbian Marxist American Library Association President Brags About Subverting “Normal Family Types” and Makes Anti-White Statements

Credit: Wikimedia Commons

The self-described lesbian Marxist running the American Library Association (ALA) wants utilize these places as good-old fashioned indoctrination centers and has some sick words for those criticizing her.

The Federalist reported last week that ALA President Emily Drabinski was caught making several disturbing remarks in a video which help reveal her true agenda.

Drabinski makes crystal clear that being a Marxist “is very much who I am and shapes a lot of how I think about social change.” She next claims that her queerness subverts “normal family types” and says that sexually explicit LGBT books are needed in children’s libraries to show “gay people doing gay things.”

Drabinski then makes racist, anti-white statements against concerned parents who disagree with her. Such comments included describing them as “far right, white supremacist, fascist,” an “angry white mob,” and more.


It is a blatantly obvious and self-evident truth that politics and pornography have no place in our children’s libraries. Yet a shocking investigation by AAF has revealed that the president of the American Library Foundation Emily Drabinski, a self-described Marxist, wants to do…

— Real Life Footage (@RealLifeFootage) August 30, 2023

Drabinski was then caught making more disturbing remarks over the weekend. Independent journalist Karlyn Boryshenko went to a socialist conference in Chicago this weekend and captured audio of Drabinski calling for libraries to be places for “socialist organizing.” Yes, she wants to use places where Americans rent books to launch the next Marxist revolution.



I spent the last three days undercover at the largest socialist conference in the country.

That’s where I caught American Library Association President Emily Drabinski saying explicitly that libraries (and public schools) need to be sites of socialist organizing.

— Karlyn Borysenko (@DrKarlynB) September 4, 2023

Hi, I’m Emily and I’m a librarian. I want to say thank you for bringing up libraries, classroom libraries…who have been under attack in similar ways.

Buit I think your point that public education needs to be site of socialist organizing. I think libraries do to and that happens.

I haven’t seen that working in libraries, but I think there is a real opportunity to both connect what’s happening in public education, what’s happening in public libraries, but we also need some help in the libraries.

We need to be on the agenda of socialist organizing. I just want to thank you for your work.

The post VIDEO: Lesbian Marxist American Library Association President Brags About Subverting “Normal Family Types” and Makes Anti-White Statements appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

