Looks like Best Buy is actively discriminating against Christians and white people according to a new bombshell report from the O’Keefe Media Group. As Christina Laila with the Gateway Pundit reported,
A Citizen Journalist has revealed Best Buy is partnering with McKinsey & Company on a Management Training Program.
The program is not open to white applicants. “Candidates must meet the [racial] requirements below”
The program is only for employees who “identify as Black, Latino, Hispanic, Asian or Pacific Islander.”
DISCRIMINATION: A Citizen Journalist has revealed Best Buy is partnering with McKinsey & Company on a Management Training Program.
The program is not open to white applicants. “Candidates must meet the [racial] requirements below”
Any comment @BestBuy? pic.twitter.com/lxfivezCa6
— O’Keefe Media Group (@OKeefeMedia) August 8, 2023
An additional whistleblower revealed that Best Buy was also discriminating against Christians.
“A Geek Squad member has audio proof that the company refuses to allow Christian employees to display crosses while requiring them to attend LGBTQ workshops.” O’Keefe said.
The post Victor Reacts: Best Buy BUSTED Discriminating Against Christians and White People (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.