Use”Paper and Pencil… Digital Records are More Permanent:” Colorado Teachers Union Directs Educators How to HIDE and DESTROY Evidence of LGBTQ Indoctrination

A teachers’ union in Colorado is taking a page out of Hillary’s bleach-bit book on how to delete digital evidence of their crimes.

The Jefferson County Education Association (JCEA), which oversees nearly 80,000 students from K-12 in Colorado, has been caught assisting its teachers with what likely amounts to breaking state and federal law and instructing them on how to continue getting away with it.

In yet another rabid attempt to indoctrinate children into the destructive LGBTQ ideology, teachers in Jefferson County reportedly employed several tactics, one of which being ‘gender surveys’ that screened for students ‘preferred pronouns.’ This was reportedly being done without parental consent and in secret, and would violate federal law via the Pupil Protection Rights Amendment, which “requires that schools notify parents of surveys and provide a mechanism for parents to opt-out.”

According to CBS, Jefferson County administrators directed staff to refrain from conducting these surveys for the time being as several lawsuits regarding the matter are pending trial across the country. This, however, did not stop the JCEA, which clearly values indoctrination over education – and even the rule of law. The defiant teachers’ union sent an email to its teachers encouraging them to continue and, if they had to keep records, make them untraceable just in case the courts come sniffing around with subpoenas.

From the JCEA email to teachers, via CBS:

“If you do a questionnaire, please make it a paper and pencil activity – any digital records are more permanent and may be requested under federal law.” 

The union also encouraged teachers to “make your notations about students and not hold on to the documents.”

Naturally, parents in the area are outraged and demanding answers. Denise Crawford, who has 3 children in the district told CBS that she felt “deceived, lied to, taken advantage of” following the revelations. Other parents have come forward with evidence of “dozens of teachers who have conducted the surveys after their union advised them how to hide evidence of them.”

Instead of heeding parental concerns, the President of JCEA, Brooke Williams, doubled down on her shameless indoctrination ploy and claimed people are ‘politicizing the issue.’

No surprise considering the social media accounts for JCEA are plastered in LGBTQ virtue signaling.

In a statement, she defiantly reiterated that teachers (and other staff) should not disclose a student’s transgender status to anyone especially including parents, unless they are absolutely forced to:

“By allowing students an optional avenue to share their preferred pronouns while maintaining student privacy, we can better ensure that students feel safe, respected, and validated. We encourage and support educators to follow Jeffco’s district policy which states: School staff shall not disclose information that may reveal a student’s transgender status to others, including parents and other school staff, unless legally required to do so or unless the student has authorized such disclosure. Transgender and gender nonconforming students have the right to discuss and express their gender identity and expression openly and to decide when, with whom, and how much to share private information.” – statement by Brooke Williams, President of JCEA, via CBS.

This scandalous behavior has caught the attention of at least one of the members of the Jefferson County school board, Susan Miller, who slammed the teachers union for their blatant disregard for the law and the rogue teachers who went along and outright broke the law to push their radical agenda.

From Miller, Via CBS:

“The leadership actually provided an avenue to get around the law and basically saying it was OK.”

She says the union put teachers’ jobs at risk – those that violate the law can lose their licensure.

Crawford says it also put teachers relationship with parents at risk.

“I don’t feel I can trust the teachers,” she said. 

She says she reported her son’s survey to his principal but hasn’t heard back. She says she’s not anti-LGBTQ. Her nephew, she says is transgender and her daughter is gay.

“This is not political. It’s just they’re breaking the law,” she said.

When asked what action should take place she responded, “the same thing that would happen to anybody breaking the law accountability and correction.”

Miller agrees, “I want parents to know the district takes this very seriously.”  

The post Use”Paper and Pencil… Digital Records are More Permanent:” Colorado Teachers Union Directs Educators How to HIDE and DESTROY Evidence of LGBTQ Indoctrination appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

