US Approves First 3 COVID ‘Vaccine’ Injury Claims, Pays Out A Total of $4,634.89

The US government approved three payments to Americans injured by the experimental COVID-19 vaccine, amounting to a mere total of $4,634.89.

One $2,019.55 payment was issued to a Covid vaccine recipient who developed anaphylaxis from the jab and two payments — $1,582.65 and $1,032.69 — for myocarditis by the Health and Resources Service Administration’s Countermeasure Injury Compensation Program, according to a HRSA vaccine injury report published April 1.

Compensation in the anaphylaxis case was pending since the fall of 2021 and the two myocarditis cases had been pending review since January, as the vaccine-injured recipient underwent a “medical benefits review” to determine payment.

The Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program was established under the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act, which shields pharmaceutical companies from liabilities acquired from “countermeasures,” including vaccines administered during a public health emergency.

The CICP has compensated a total of 33 claims for vaccine injury since 2010. In April, the first COVID-19 vaccine recipient was compensated.

The few thousand dollars issued to the vaccine injured is tragic, contends the acting general counsel for the Children’s Health Defense Kim Mack Rosenberg.

“These long-awaited awards were overdue, highly anticipated and speculated upon,” Rosenberg said. “What is remarkable is that less than $5,000 was paid — total. This is a tragedy that highlights the severe limitations of the program.”

The payments for myocarditis, which increases mortality rates to 50 percent within five years, is “insulting,” contends CHD Acting President Lauro Bono.

“The CICP is a pathetic, government-run program that gives complete liability protection to the very industries profiting from the COVID vaccine or product. While victims linger with their injuries, paying out-of-pocket for expenses, or at worst die, the industries run to the bank,” Bono said.

To date, 11,425 people have requested compensation for vaccine injuries related to COVID-19 jabs, according to the HRSA. Nineteen have qualified for compensation and will receive payment after undergoing a medical benefits review.

Nearly 11,000 of the 11,941 claims filed with the CICP since 2010 are still under review.

More Americans died from COVID-19 gene-editing shots than any vaccine in history. To date, there have been 1,541,275 reports of adverse events following Covid-vaccination submitted to the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System.

According to VAERS, 22,391 people died after receiving a COVID jab in 2021, 12479 people died from Covid vaccine in 2022 and 1,339 people in 2023 to date.





The post US Approves First 3 COVID ‘Vaccine’ Injury Claims, Pays Out A Total of $4,634.89 appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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