Urgent warning over common party drug that’s leaving teens incontinent and unable to walk

DOCTORS are warning of a rise in teens using a popular party drug which can cause paralysis.

Nitrous oxide, often called laughing gas, is one of the most commonly used drugs among 16-24-year-olds.

GettyDoctors are treating more young people with side effects of the drug[/caption]

The drug, sold in little silver canisters, can leave people with life-threatening health complications, such as brain damage, incontinence and paralysis.

Medics from The Royal London Hospital have reported treating an increased number of young people with side effects of the drug – seeing a new case almost every week.

They are also seeing a rise in people with more severe side effects, suggesting people are taking the drug is larger doses than before.

Professor Alastair Noyce, a consultant neurologist at Queen Mary University of London, told BBC News: “These are young people we are seeing – teenagers and people in their 20s.

“What’s striking now is the severity. We’ve seen that increase over the last 12 months or so.”

The Prof said it might be linked to people using large cylinders of the gas which can contain a similar amount to 60 or 70 of the small silver canisters that can be seen scattered on streets and in parks.

“If you have been using and you develop symptoms, stop using it immediately and seek medical help as soon as possible,” he added.

The most recent data from the Crime Survey for England and Wales shows that almost nine per cent of 16-24-year-olds said they had take the party drug in the last year.

This is up from 6.1 per cent in 2012-2013.

What are the effects of nitrous oxide?

previous study found that patients who used the canisters had rapidly progressive neurological symptoms after using them.

Medics in Strasbourg found that five patients were admitted to a tertiary care centre between April 2020 and February 2021 after taking the drugs.

Lead author, Maximilian Einsiedler. said: “When I did a retrospective analysis of all patients admitted in 10 years prior to April 2020, not a single patient had been diagnosed with neurological complications due to nitrous oxide abuse at our hospital.”

Nitrous oxide can cause dizziness and affect your judgement, creating a risk of accidents.

In large quantities it can also cause the user to faint or pass out.

If nitrous oxide is inhaled through the mouth from a pressurised gas canister or in a confined space it can cause sudden death through lack of oxygen.

Heavy, regular use of the drug can cause a deficiency of vitamin B12 and a form of anaemia.

Severe vitamin B deficiency can cause serious nerve or brain damage leading to paralysis and incontinence.

One woman was left paralysed from the chest down after inhaling 15 balloons of ‘hippy crack’ every weekend. For more information, see drugs advice site, Frank.

What is nitrous oxide?

Nitrous oxide is a colourless gas that when inhaled can make people feel euphoric and relaxed.

The effects of the gas have seen it nicknamed “laughing gas”, but it can also cause some people to have hallucinations.

The effects are caused by the drug slowing down the brain.

Nitrous oxide is normally bought in pressurised canisters. It is then transferred to a container such as a balloon to be inhaled

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