Urgent warning as drink-spiking soars with women targeted at nightclubs by evil predators

AUTHORITIES have issued an urgent warning as cases of drink-spiking in nightclubs soar.

Instances of evil predators targeting vulnerable women in bars and clubs have been on the rise, prompting local councils to encourage businesses to take preventative measures.

Teens Ellen Baldwin (left) and Elle Vickers (right) also believe they were spikedBPM

BPMElle said the pair ‘blacked out’ and have no memory of the night[/caption]

It comes after a number of high profile cases in recent months.

Friends Sophie Ashley and were hospitalised in a “serious” condition after a suspected spiking in October.

Similarly, teens Elle Vickers, 18, and Ellen Baldwin, 18, were taken to hospital after “blacking out” and waking up covered in scratches and bruises.

Elle reported what appeared to be a puncture wound on her thigh and believed the pair were spiked by an unknown drug via a needle.

She said: “Both of us blacked out and have no recollection of the vast majority of the night.

“I was alone for the rest of the night with no memory of what could of happened to me within this period of time. I woke up to find myself covered in bruises and scratches down the inside of my thighs and feeling the worst I have ever felt.

“I rang 111 to get advice on what to do. I was informed that 111 would ring me back when someone became available.

“At the point I made the call I was in a cold sweat, could not hold my own head up, my throat was closed making it hard to breathe and my legs and inside my mouth are covered in cuts an bruises.”

Staffordshire Police alone saw a steep rise to 99 reports of spiking in the past 12 months, compared to just 33 in the previous year.

It comes as the Home Office has launched a consultation on updating licensing laws to further crack down on drink and needle spiking.

Newcastle Borough Council, which is participating in the consultation, warned: “The reporting of spiking appears to have increased in prevalence over the past 18 months.

“It would be appropriate for each applicant and licence holder to consider what measures they can take to safeguard their patrons from spiking.”

A spokesperson for Fiction, the club where both sets of girls were allegedly spiked, said: “Everyone should feel safe on a night out, and they should feel safe in our club. While spiking incidents are incredibly rare, we take all reports of drink spiking very seriously.

“Our teams are fully trained on the issue and have the support of our on-site medics. We operate our ‘We Care’ policy and support the ‘Ask for Angela’ scheme. We have anti-spiking devices available and operate 100 per cent searches on entry.

“We have extensive CCTV throughout the venue and our security teams wear bodycams. We will pass on footage to the police to help with any investigation. Anyone who is suspected of spiking will be detained and handed over to the police.”

They also encouraged anyone who suspects spiking or witnesses any suspicious behaviour to ask for assistance from a member of staff and contact the police.

BPMShe woke up ‘covered in bruises and scratches’[/caption]

BPMShe also discovered what she believed to be a puncture wound on her thigh[/caption]

BPMElle suspects the pair were spiked with a needle[/caption]  Read More 
