Unhinged Climate Activists Dump Black Gook Into Historic Trevi Fountain in Rome (VIDEO)

Seven unhinged young climate activists staged another protest by pouring diluted charcoal into the iconic Trevi Fountain in Rome, Italy, turning its pristine waters black.

The demonstration, which took place on Sunday, aimed to draw attention to address the ‘global environmental crisis.’

Protesters from the “Ultima Generazione” (“Last Generation”) organization chanted, “Our country is dying” and held banners reading, “We won’t pay for fossil (fuels).

Many tourists watched as police officers entered the water to remove the protesters, and some even hurled insults at the protesters.


Blitz di Ultima Generazione a #Roma: gettato un liquido nero, carbone vegetale, nella Fontana di #Trevi.

Segui il nostro canale Telegram dedicato all’ambiente e al cambiamento climatico https://t.co/eZDM15Uy6m pic.twitter.com/npVkVspPee

— Ultimora.net – BREAKING NEWS (@ultimoranet) May 21, 2023

Climate activists in Rome turned the legendary Trevi Fountain waters black to protest what they describe as ‘government subsidies of fossil fuel’ https://t.co/XoxuvCbETD pic.twitter.com/sZVAGrnXCr

— Reuters (@Reuters) May 21, 2023

These “climate activists” tried to destroy the Trevi Fountain in Rome by pouring black dye into its water.

This is not about the climate, it’s about destroying Western civilization and anything it has built. pic.twitter.com/6kWOJpTrkj

— Clown World Today (@cwt_news) May 21, 2023

The Last Generation climate activists are funded by the Climate Emergency Fund in the US.

The conservative Welt am Sonntag newspaper revealed in late 2022 that the Last Generation paid its activists up to 1,300 Euros per month. It is the Climate Emergency Fund in the United States that provides the funding, while the Berlin-based “Wandelbündnis” organization handles the distribution of the funds.

Last week, the German district court proclaimed the “Last Generation” a criminal organization.

JUST IN – German district court confirms suspicion: “Last Generation” climate group is a criminal organization — Tagesspiegel pic.twitter.com/0GWDjs7Cd5

— Disclose.tv (@disclosetv) May 15, 2023

The post Unhinged Climate Activists Dump Black Gook Into Historic Trevi Fountain in Rome (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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