UFC Chief Dana White Roasts Peloton for Trying Cancel RFK Jr. (Video -Language Warning)

Dana White sat down with comedian Theo Von on Von’s podcast where the two discussed a wide variety of topics, including companies pushing their leftist bias.

Von mentioned that, after he interviewed Robert Kennedy Jr., he had advertisers tell him they would not advertise on that episode and to take the episode down.

Von: We advertise for a lot of companies, right, and we can have an effect on how well they can do…we’ve helped build some big brands.  And to think I should know what some of their thoughts are beliefs are so I can align myself with mine…that’s cool.

That’s a way I can help contribute towards the world.

White: And have fun doing it.  You know you help build their business, they help you build yours..it’s really…it should be a great relationship and be a good experience for everybody involved.

But I can tell you from experience, if you end up with the wrong one, there’s nothing fun about it and actually you end up in a bad relationship.  It’s like any other bad relationship, between you and a woman or whatever it could be.

Von: Have you all struggled with…I mean it happens I guess.

White: It’s happened a couple times.

After moving on to other topics, the two return to the issue.

Von: Oh. Peloton was…we just got an update…

White: It was Peloton?

Von: Peloton was the people that wanted an ad out…and meanwhile you have RFK…

White: So Peloton…what do they sell? F***ing..stationary bikes? Peloton sells stationary bikes and they’ve got a problem with Robert f’ing Kennedy.  F*** you Peloton. Who the f are they? Are you F’ing kidding me?

F’ing Peloton calling bitching about Robert Kennedy.

Von: Yeah dude, you want to go nowhere…

White: Who’s the CEO of Peloton? I want to see this f’ing guy.

Von: You know what gets you further than Peloton? Hitchhiking.

Barry McCarthy…this f’ing weinerschnitzel..


White: Oh yeah.  Bary McCarthy looks like that guy 100%.

Von: If you are just listening at home and you’re thinking what he looks like, you’re right.

White: Do we have Peloton in the gym? Are those Pelotons? We are getting rid of them.

We are getting rid of the Pelotons. Pelotons are out of the gym.

That’s what you do.  You stop f’ing using their products.

Imagine that …dork… picking up the phone, calling you that you can’t have Robert Kennedy, who is a Democrat by the way…telling you you can’t have him on your show.

Who do you think you are, Barry McCarthy, to think you can pick up the phone and call anybody…

Dana White ABSOLUTELY ROASTS Peloton for Trying to Cancel Robert F. Kennedy Jr

“They got a problem with Robert f*cking Kennedy? F*ck you, Peloton!…My guys are going to take the Pelotons out of the gym today. We’re getting rid of them. We’re going to go throw them in the… pic.twitter.com/JBfRo0j1av

— Chief Nerd (@TheChiefNerd) November 14, 2023

Watch the full interview here (Peloton discussed comes at 45:06)

The post UFC Chief Dana White Roasts Peloton for Trying Cancel RFK Jr. (Video -Language Warning) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

