TWO-TIERED JUSTICE: TRUMP WAS RIGHT – DOJ Gave Serial Criminal and Pervert Hunter Biden a Slap on the Wrist After Committing Major International Financial Crimes – Trump Gets 100 Years for Bogus Document Charges

President Trump called it.

News broke on Tuesday morning that Hunter Biden has agreed to plead guilty to multiple criminal charges according to CNN. The investigation into Hunter Biden has supposedly lasted five years.

After five years of investigation the Biden DOJ found Hunter Biden guilty of TWO MISDEMEANORS and ONE GUN CHARGE!

Of course, this is a complete bastardization of the US Justice System. The serial criminal is slapped with misdemeanors after we know he was using classified documents leaked to him by his father to set up lucrative deals with foreign officials.

Here is the letter from US Attorney David Weiss on Hunter’s criminal charges.
Via Maria Medvin.

Trump was right about this. Hunter gets the Democrat privilege pass.

Via Alex Bruesewitz.

Trump was right! The weak charges brought against Hunter (he will face no jail time!) is just an effort to make the Biden DOJ look “fair.”

But it’s not fair! Hunter and Joe are the real criminals! Trump did nothing wrong!

— Alex Bruesewitz (@alexbruesewitz) June 20, 2023

DC Draino.

President Trump called it

FBI raids for J6 peaceful protestors & months of pre-trial detention

FBI raids for pro-life protestors

School board moms called “domestic terrorists”

FBI raids & indictments for Trump

But Hunter Biden?

He gets a hush hush plea deal & no jail time

— DC_Draino (@DC_Draino) June 20, 2023

Jack Posobiec.

100 year charges for Trump over paperwork filing, a plea deal for Hunter over the laptop

Are you paying attention yet?

— Jack Poso (@JackPosobiec) June 20, 2023

We could have predicted this.

The FBI raided Mar a Lago just weeks before they announced “oh yeah Joe Biden has documents in his garage too”

They indict Trump for boxes a week before they announce their cushy plea deal w/Hunter Biden

It’s very clear what’s going on

The DOJ is running cover for the Bidens

— DC_Draino (@DC_Draino) June 20, 2023

The post TWO-TIERED JUSTICE: TRUMP WAS RIGHT – DOJ Gave Serial Criminal and Pervert Hunter Biden a Slap on the Wrist After Committing Major International Financial Crimes – Trump Gets 100 Years for Bogus Document Charges appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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