Tucker Carlson Releases Teaser Interview with Man Claiming Sexual Encounter with Barack Obama in 1999

Former Fox News host Tucker Carlson interviewed Larry Sinclair, a man who claims to have had a sexual encounter with former President Barack Obama in 1999. The interview is scheduled to air on Tucker’s show on Wednesday at 6 p.m. ET.

The Gateway Pundit reported last week that Tucker Carlson spoke with Adam Carolla for an interview posted on Wednesday. The interview covered a lot of ground, focusing on Carlson’s freedom after being fired from Fox News four months ago.

Three subjects that stuck out are Carlson teasing an interview with Larry Sinclair, a man who in 2008 said he had sex and smoked crack with Barack Obama in 1999, Carlson’s fears that President Trump will be assassinated and his prediction that the U.S. will go to war with Russia within the next year.

“In 2008, it became really clear that Barack Obama had been having sex with men and smoking crack, and a guy came forward, Larry Sinclair, and said, I’ll sign an affidavit. And he did. I’ll take a lie detector, and he did. I smoked crack with Barack Obama and had sex with him. Well, that was obviously true,” Tucker Carlson said during the interview.

“Nobody reported it, not because they were squeamish about sex or drugs, but because the Obama campaign said, anyone who reports on this gets no access to the Obama campaign, and so they didn’t report on it. So that happens.”

Carlson said he believes Sinclair.

In a video clip posted by Carlson biographer Chadwick Moore, “Tucker Carlson teases an upcoming interview with Larry Sinclair, a man who was ridiculed by the press after coming forward with allegations that he smoked crack and had sex with Barack Obama in 1999, when Obama was a state senator in Illinois.”


Tucker Carlson teases an upcoming interview with Larry Sinclair, a man who was ridiculed by the press after coming forward with allegations that he smoked crack and had sex with Barack Obama in 1999, when Obama was a state senator in Illinois. pic.twitter.com/bmlRuds7Cy

— Chadwick Moore (@Chadwick_Moore) August 30, 2023

On Tuesday, Tucker Carlson released a teaser of his upcoming interview with Larry Sinclair, the man who claims to have had a sexual encounter with former President Barack Obama back in 1999.

Larry Sinclair first made his allegations public in 2008, just before Obama’s first presidential election, claiming that he had smoked crack and had sex with Obama. Despite Sinclair’s criminal record and the widely disputed nature of his claims, Tucker Carlson has been vocal in his support of Sinclair’s story, insisting that the allegations hold truth.

Below is the transcript:

Tucker Carlson: You’re just a guy who’s in town for the night, and it sounds like you’re looking to party.

Larry Sinclair: Yeah. Pulled up in a bar outside, and there’s this guy that’s introduced to me as Barack Obama. I had given Barack $250 to pay for coke. I start putting a line on a CD tray to snort, and the next thing I know, he’s got a little pipe, and he’s smoking. So I just started rubbing my hand along his thigh to see where it was going, and it went in the direction I had intended it to go.

Tucker Carlson: Even though you had sex with him twice, you did cocaine with him, watched him smoke crack twice, you had no idea who he was?

Larry Sinclair: I had no idea who he was.

Tucker Carlson: Let me just ask the obvious question. What was Obama like?

Larry Sinclair: On crack?

Tucker Carlson: Is it your sense that’s who Obama is,  just transactional or that he’s bisexual or, like, what is this?

Larry Sinclair: It definitely wasn’t Barack’s first time, and I would almost be willing to bet you it wasn’t as long.

Tucker Carlson: The guy’s running for president. Incredible information comes out that he’s smoking crack and having sex with dudes. That seems like a story.

Larry Sinclair: Well, it would be a story if the media really cared about telling people the truth.


A man who claims he had sex with Barack Obama in 1999 tells his story.

Wednesday. 6pm ET. pic.twitter.com/iDYMSww1KS

— Tucker Carlson (@TuckerCarlson) September 5, 2023

This will not surprise anyone. The Gateway Pundit also reported that in a 1982 letter to former girlfriend Alex McNear, Barack Obama, then 21, discussed his thoughts on sexuality and his own “androgynous” mind, according to the redacted portion of the letter obtained by The New York Post.

The letter, penned in November 1982, has come to light after Obama’s biographer, Pulitzer Prize-winning historian David Garrow, uncovered the redacted paragraphs. He included them in his book “Rising Star: The Making of Barack Obama” and recently shared them during an extensive interview about the former President.

The letter is now housed at Emory University, where it is not permitted to be photographed or removed. The redacted text was transcribed by Garrow’s friend Harvey Klehr and provided to The Post.

Barack Obama wrote to McNear in 1982, “In regard to homosexuality, I must say that I believe this is an attempt to remove oneself from the present, a refusal perhaps to perpetuate the endless farce of earthly life. You see, I make love to men daily, but in the imagination.”

“My mind is androgynous to a great extent and I hope to make it more so until I can think in terms of people, not women as opposed to men. But, in returning to the body, I see that I have been made a man, and physically in life, I choose to accept that contingency,” Obama continued.

The post Tucker Carlson Releases Teaser Interview with Man Claiming Sexual Encounter with Barack Obama in 1999 appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

