Trump Comes Clean in Fort Dodge, Iowa: “I’m Not into Golden Showers” (VIDEO)

On January 17,  2017, The Gateway Pundit reported that the Trump-Russia dossier was complete trash after Buzz Feed released it.  We made our remarks immediately after reading through the ridiculous document.

The FBI and Hillary Clinton were behind this document, hoping to discredit President Trump with its tabloid accusations.

Part of the dossier alleged that President Trump partook in “golden showers” in Russia with prostitutes on a bed Obama once slept on.

Russia then blackmailed Trump with the video. But instead of demanding money, they made him promise to run for US President.  And then he eventually won the White House. 

The mainstream media ran with this rubbish for three years.  RINOs ran with this bullsh-t for three years.  The FBI ran with this bullsh-t for three years. We later learned that they were in on it.

Here is the story that the CIA and idiots in the FAKE NEWS Media pushed on gullible Americans–
(Image from the leaked report)

Here’s what they want us to believe —  Let’s recount:

** Obama has a meeting in Russia.
** Trump flies to Russia, finds out the hotel room Obama stayed in, and books it.
** Trump finds at least two hookers and invites them to Obama’s former hotel suite.
** Trump instructs the hookers to PISS ON THE BED because he hates Obama with a passion
** Little did Trump know Putin had the entire room outfitted with video cameras.
** The Russian government now has video proof of Trump watching hookers PISS on a bed.
** Russian officials tell Trump they will release the video if he does not run for president.
** Trump runs for president and against all odds WINS the White House.

And no one questioned this report?
Seriously? No one questioned this!  They ran with it for years.

In December 2017, the IG report revealed, as we predicted, the Trump hooker golden shower story was completely made up in a bar over beers.
The FBI ran with it anyway.

This FBI ran with this offensive garbage story to take down the US President.
This was an attempted coup.

And the fake news media ran with it for years. We later learned that it was Hunter Biden who was sleeping with hookers, smoking crack, having Russian orgies, and filming it all.

On Saturday President Trump joked about the “golden showers” during his speech in Fort Dodge, Iowa.

Only President Trump can take such a repugnant attack by the left and make it hilarious!

President Trump: I believe the reason we’re doing so well in the polls is because the people see it. They see it as a persecution of a political candidate. They see it as a continuation of the greatest witch hunt of all time. That’s what it is. This is the greatest witch hunt that started with Russia, Russia, Russia. Remember that?

He was with four hookers. You think that was good that night, to go up and tell my wife, “It’s not true, darling, I love you very much. It’s not true.”

Actually, that one she didn’t believe because she said, “He’s a germaphobe. He’s not into that. You know. He’s not into golden showers, as they say. They call those. I don’t like that idea. No, I thought that would be a big problem. I was going to have a rough night. But that one she was very good on. She said, “No, you’re okay on that one.”

Hat Tip Midnight Rider.

The post Trump Comes Clean in Fort Dodge, Iowa: “I’m Not into Golden Showers” (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

