Trump Attorney John Lauro: Mike Pence Will Be One of Our Best Witnesses at Trial – “I Read His Book Very Clearly” (VIDEO)

Trump Attorney John Lauro made the rounds today on the Sunday Morning Shows.

On Meet the Press Lauro fired a warning shot at turncoat Mike Pence during the interview.  Pence has been shooting off his mouth lately attacking President Trump.  But he won’t get away with it at trial.

John Lauro:  Mike Pence will be one of our best witnesses at trial. I read his book very carefully, and if he testifies consistent with his book, then President Trump will be acquitted for these reasons. Number one: Mr. Pence recognizes that John Eastman, who was giving legal advice, was a renowned legal scholar. Number two: Vice President Pence recognised that there were discrepancies and fraud in connection with the election. He wanted it to be debated on Capitol Hill. Mr. Trump wanted it to be debated in the state legislatures. But make no mistake about it, based on what Vice President Pence will say, the government will never be able to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that President Trump had corrupt or criminal intent. And that’s what this case is about.

It looks like Pence is backed into a corner. It will be difficult for Turncoat Pence to switch his story now when he included the truth in his book.

Via Midnight Rider and Praying Medic

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