Tristan Tate: J6 Protesters Should Have Just Had Anal Sex in Capitol Instead of Marching Around Waving Flags – Apparently That’s Perfectly Acceptable

Flag waving grandma on January 6 who was later arrested by the FBI and Democrat staffer having sex in office building

Over 1,200 Americans have been arrested in connection with the events of Jan. 6, 2021.

American Gulag website provides current information about each prisoner, including relevant news articles, an arrest map, and list of those currently incarcerated.

Chris Wray’s FBI is still out arresting innocent Americans who walked through the US Capitol with American flags.

The FBI lost track of how many undercover agents they had out in the Trump crowd that day.

It was a setup and highly organized.

The organizers even purposely placed no toilets near the Capitol to lure innocent Americans inside – Then arrest them later.

Police Helped Elderly Pastor And His Son Find the Bathroom In The Capitol Building On January 6, Now They Are Facing 3 Years In Prison: ‘This is Outright Intimidation Tactics’… ‘You Have No Rights’

Grandma’s with flags walking through the US Capitol are dangerous insurrectionists.

NEW PHOTOS: The #FBI needs help identifying people involved in the Jan 6th riots at the Capitol. If you recognize #342, submit a tip to 1-800-CALL-FBI or For more photos go to

— FBI Washington Field (@FBIWFO) April 30, 2021

But anal sex in the US Senate committee rooms is OK?

Democrats do the darnedest things.

Tristan Tate tweeted this out earlier today after naked Democrat staffer Aidan Maese-Czeropski was filmed having anal sex in the Capitol Office Building.
Via Catturd2

The J6 protesters should have just had anal sex in the capitol building instead of marching around waving flags.

That is apparently perfectly acceptable to do inside the chambers of sacred government buildings.

Next time you protest guys remember … anal sex.

Life hack.

— Tristan Tate (@TateTheTalisman) December 16, 2023

The post Tristan Tate: J6 Protesters Should Have Just Had Anal Sex in Capitol Instead of Marching Around Waving Flags – Apparently That’s Perfectly Acceptable appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

