A TRAVEL expert has revealed the plane behaviours that she absolutely hates encountering whenever she is on a flight.
Travel show host Samantha Brown spends a lot of her time on planes and is all too familiar with the kinds of conduct that can really wind up other people.
GettyOnly parents can talk directly to badly behaved children on board planes[/caption]
That’s why she has published a long list of things that people should and shouldn’t do whenever they find themselves on a flight.
Among those were three very irritating things that she has urged people to avoid doing if they don’t want to annoy the passengers around them.
Popping Gum
Firstly, Samantha hates people popping chewing gum, something she described as “universally annoying”.
She insists that people shouldn’t do it anywhere, but least of all on a plane.
However, if someone next to her does start popping their gum, she has a method to try and get them to cut it out.
She said: “If someone is popping their gum around you, start dramatically jumping every time it pops. Hopefully, they notice and get the hint. If they don’t, turn and ask them to please stop.”
Talking to people wearing headphones
Headphones have become a hugely important item for plane passengers, particularly those who want to shut out the noises around them.
Samantha insists that passengers with headphones in are clearly demonstrating to the other people around them that they do not want to have a chat and should be left alone.
She said: “Airplanes can be great places to make a new friend – but only if both parties want to. If your seatmate has headphones in, don’t tap their shoulder and start talking. It’s a very clear ‘Do Not Disturb’ sign.”
Samantha also suggests that passengers can make this work to their advantage, by putting their headphones in whenever they want to end a conversation.
Parenting someone else’s child
Dealing with other people’s kids on board planes can be difficult, especially if they’re screaming or kicking your seat.
However, the rules are that only the parents should be addressing the child, according to Samantha.
She said: “As tempting as it is to turn around and start scolding the kid kicking your seat; trust me, it’ll fall on deaf ears. The best thing to do is to find the parent and nicely ask them to have their child stop.”
If talking to the parents fails to resolve the problem, Samantha recommends approaching a flight attendant and having them deal with the problem on your behalf.
Meanwhile, this etiquette expert revealed the golden rule for avoiding arguments on planes.
And this mum revealed how she gets passengers to swap seats without causing any problems during a flight.
GettyPassengers wearing headphones should not be disturbed on flights[/caption] Read More