TRAGIC: Chinese Communist Regime Arrests Hong Kongers for Commemorating Tiananmen Square on Anniversary

The Chinese Communist Party cracked down on several protesters in Hong Kong over the weekend for commemorating the Tiananmen Square Massacre of 1989.

Commemorating those killed by the regime in Tiananmen Square was a tradition in democratic Hong Kong.  That all changed when the Chinese Communists took over.

Tiananmen crackdown anniversary: Chan Po-ying, chairperson of the League of Social Democrats, one of the city’s last active pro-democracy groups, was stopped and taken away by the police in Causeway Bay as the city marks the 34th anniversary of the Tiananmen crackdown.

— Hong Kong Free Press HKFP (@hkfp) June 4, 2023

Via Cuban Exile Quarter.

My performance artist friend Sanmu just got arrested in Hong Kong, he was trying to perform on the street on June/3 to commemorate 1989 Tiananmen Square Massacre, during his arrest, he yelled “, Hongkongers have no fear! Don’t forget June 4th!”

— Kacey Wong (@KaceyWong15) June 3, 2023

This is so sad. The leader of a Hong Kong democracy group that held vigils for decades was arrested by the regime.

Tsui Hon-Kwong, veteran member of disbanded #HongKongAlliance – the group who hosted candlelight vigil for #June4 for three decades in HK, was taken away by police. He kept upholding his candle for #TiananmenMothers until police shut the door.

— Xinqi Su 蘇昕琪 (@XinqiSu) June 4, 2023

More arrests —

Translated: Four arrestees were accused of “incitement” and “misconduct” by the police. Who are they? What have you done?

On the eve of the 34th anniversary of June 4th, some social activists went to Causeway Bay yesterday (June 3rd) to mourn June 4th with fasting and performance art. Arrested on other charges. Government officials have not been.

六四 34|四被捕者被警指涉嫌「煽動」、「行為不檢」 他們是誰?做了什麼?
六四 34周年前夕,有社運人士昨日(6月3日)到銅鑼灣以禁食、行為藝術等方式悼六四,被警方以「涉嫌作具煽動意圖作為」、「公眾地方行為不檢」等罪名拘捕。政府官員過去一直未有

— exicablenews (@icablenews) June 3, 2023

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