Tottenham chief Fabio Paratici breaks silence on Antonio Conte sacking and gives update on new manager search

TOTTENHAM chief Fabio Paratici has broken his silence on Antonio Conte’s sacking and updated fans on what happens next.

The Italian parted with the club on Sunday night with only 10 games of the season remaining. had a message for fans after several days of turbulence in North London[/caption]

GettyConte appeared increasingly frustrated as the season went on[/caption]

“We will fight to achieve our targets. We are prepared to fight until the end of the season. Everyone has to be focused on the last part of the season”

An update from Fabio Paratici

— Tottenham Hotspur (@SpursOfficial) March 28, 2023

Some fans were left surprised when it was announced that Conte’s assistant manager, Cristian Stellini, was set to take charge until the end of the season alongside Ryan Mason.

But Spurs managing director Paratici took the unusual step of releasing a nearly five minute long video on Tottenham’s Twitter account to explain the decision-making.

The 50-year-old said: “About Antonio … we know how difficult this season has been for him personally. Gian Piero [Ventrone] died and [Gianluca] Vialli and [Sinisa] Mihajlovic and his surgery. 

“The club supported him a lot about it and everyone [supported] each other but then we arrived at this mutual agreement and the decision we made was the right decision for everyone. 

“So Christian [Stellini] managed the team when Antonio was sick this season and was good. 

“He has a lot of experience as a second and has been first [team] coach some years in the past. But then we have Ryan Mason who can help him a lot as he’s been a part of this club for a long time and he knows everything about this club and this group of players. So I think we are really, really confident that this two person [team] can make a very good job. 

“The players don’t have to change habit or style of training. To change everything with just 10 games to go would be very difficult on the players.”

Despite Paratici’s openness about the club’s situation, he insisted he would not get drawn on commenting on the club’s manager search.

The Italian chief added: “We don’t want to speak about other coaches, or follow the speculation in the media because it is just speculation, we are focussed and now concentrating on helping Cristian, the staff, Ryan, the players.

“I think today we have to be focused on our squad and our manager because it is an important moment.”

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