Thousands Line Up in Freezing Cold for Trump Rally in Manchester, New Hampshire

Thousands of Trump supporters stood on line in snowy, freezing cold temperatures Saturday afternoon for President Trump’s rally at the SNHU Arena in Manchester, New Hampshire being held before Tuesday’s GOP presidential primary election. The rally is set to start at 7 p.m. EST. Doors opened a short while ago and supporters were soon filling the 11,000 seat arena.

The SNHU Arena is a regular stop for Trump, with ‘sold out’ campaign rallies being held there three times since his first campaign, in 2016, 2029 and 2020, sometimes with overflow crowds outside.

The 16 degree daytime high will likely mean no overflow crowds outside and maybe a few empty seats. The seating behind the stage is blocked off by a large black curtain, according to photos.

But Trump has drawn a huge crowd of enthusiastic supporters, with some photographers describing the lines as several blocks long earlier in the day.

The Trump campaign offered rally prizes to top phonebank volunteers at the Manchester headquarters, with the top caller getting to take a photo with Trump.

Photos and videos from the scene posted by attendees and reporters, including foreign press:

Trump speaks in Manchester 7pm tonight… At 10am they’re lining up to get into arena…. It’s 11 degrees.

— Howard Mortman (@HowardMortman) January 20, 2024

The line to see Pres. Trump keeps getting bigger and bigger in New Hampshire!

— Daniel Baldwin (@baldwin_daniel_) January 20, 2024

My take from the campaign trail in NH is this….

Trump has a massive line for a rally in Manchester that is happening hours from now.

He is speaking at an arena.

It’s cold, it’s snowing and his supporters are here.

— Joe St. George (@JoeStGeorge) January 20, 2024

A snowy Manchester afternoon where supporters are lined up over a block to see President Trump.
Feels like 5° rn

— James Levinson (@james_levinson) January 20, 2024

MANCHESTER, N.H. — Former President Donald Trump will hold a rally here tonight. Three days until the New Hampshire primary.

— Stephanie Murray (@stephanie_murr) January 20, 2024

Thousands of Trump supporters excited to be a part of rally Manchester NahH. Line to enter arena is 4 -5 city blocks long in bitter cold temperatures #MAGA #Trump2024

— Jean Mathieu (@JeanMathieuPlus) January 20, 2024

The line of Trump supporters waiting to get into SNHU stretches down the street as far as the eye can see #Trump2024NowMorethanEver

— Cecilia Calabrese (@CeceCalabrese) January 20, 2024

It’s 4:30 pm at Manchester Trump rally. The line is more than a few blocks long to get in. Getting ready for Trump at 7pm. The arena is starting to fill up. Let’s Go Brandon!

— Chester Tam (@islantstudio) January 20, 2024

Huge line gathering at SNHU Arena in Manchester hours ahead of tonight’s Trump rally

— Edward Tomić (@EdTomic) January 20, 2024

It’s -9C (feels like -18C) / 16F (feels like 1F) in Manchester and people have been lining up for hours to get into the Trump Rally happening here tonight

— Annelise Nielsen (@annelisenews) January 20, 2024

Diese Halle in Manchester, New Hampshire, will Donald #Trump heute mit rund 11.000 Menschen füllen. Seine Attacken gegen Nikki Haley nehmen 4 Tage vor den Primaries hier zu. In den meisten Umfragen liegt er auch hier allerdings vorne. @tonline

— Bastian Brauns (@BastianBrauns) January 20, 2024

Getting crowded here in Manchester a few hours before Trump is expected to speak

— Edward Tomić (@EdTomic) January 20, 2024

Premier rang à Manchester. 17 h. Supporters Trump

— LAURENCE HAIM (@lauhaim) January 20, 2024

Manchester Trump rally vibes!

— Heather Mullins (@TalkMullins) January 20, 2024

New Hampshire native and newly minted Trump campaign national press secretary Karoline Leavitt announced rally prizes for phonebankers:

Some fun incentives for volunteers at Trump’s New Hampshire HQ today.

• If you phonebank for 3 hours, you’ll get VIP tickets to Trump’s campaign rally in Manchester today.

• If you’re the 2nd highest phonebanker, you’ll get a hat signed by Trump.

• If you’re the top…

— Frank Luntz (@FrankLuntz) January 20, 2024

C-SPAN is there:

C-SPAN crew on the job SNHU arena for the 7pm Trump rally which will be live on @CSPAN. The line outside goes on for blocks in 17 degree -and snowy- weather.

— Susan Swain (@cspanSusan) January 20, 2024

As is RSBN:

I’m there! Stage left about 6 rows back

— Cecilia Calabrese (@CeceCalabrese) January 20, 2024

The post Thousands Line Up in Freezing Cold for Trump Rally in Manchester, New Hampshire appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

