This Is What Happens When You Allow Bad Actors to Steal Elections

The 2020 Election was a nightmare.  President Trump set records for the most votes for a President, the most votes for a Republican and was the first American to surpass 70 million legitimate votes for President.

But late at night and over the next few days, millions of votes came in for Joe Biden out of nowhere and Biden was awarded the win.  Biden was awarded 81 million votes for President.

The senile old man who was lost half the time and who didn’t get out of his basement, the most unlikable candidate in US history somehow garnered more votes than the most popular and liked President in history.

Everyone knew it was a lie.  Just like everyone knows, Biden doesn’t have the mental capacity to run our country right now.

But this is what happens when you allow criminals to steal an election.

The reason that these same people stole the election and spent the last seven years on a coup trying to take President Trump down by any means possible is that they can.  They know they have elections in the bag, not because of their policies, nobody is buying them.  It’s because they know that they will do it again and again because the election process in America was broken by them and has not yet been fixed.  The criminals on the left own elections.

Massive inflation, bank closures, business closures, record credit card debt, and Americans struggling to keep their savings from dwindling away are not the economic policies that win elections.

Surrendering Afghanistan to the Taliban and giving them billions while leaving those behind who helped and supported the American soldiers overseas is not how you win elections.

Keeping the borders open so anyone can enter and allowing millions of military-aged men to come into our country from God-knows-where, is not how you win elections.

Destroying the US Justice system and placing crooked and criminal actors in charge who raid American’s homes for praying at abortion clinics in not how you win over the people.  attempting a coup of President Trump’s administration with BS stories of him being tied to Russia when even the FBI who were after the President were working with FBI is not how you win elections.

Allowing criminals to go free in big cities with heinous crimes, ignoring violent crimes, burning down cities in the name of social justice, and paying those who committed the crimes is not justice.

Creating crimes and pinning them on innocent Americans who protested a stolen election, putting them in jail for years with no trials, jacking up their actions with bogus indictments, beating them and killing four Americans at the US Capitol in riots created by Deep State operatives is not how to win elections.

Indicting the President of the United States, an innocent man, for BS made-up crimes and claiming to be on the side of justice while the Bidens embezzle millions from overseas, Hillary destroys emails, the Mueller gang destroys phones, Obama gives billions to Iran and guns to ISIS, and the Deep State attempts a coup of the President, and all get away with it is not how you win elections.

The only way these corrupt actors could win any election is by stealing it.

These people hate America and Americans and they act like it.  They don’t pretend to like America anymore.  They are getting ready to steal the next election unless we stop them legally with honest elections.

Trump will win 90 million votes but can we prevent them from creating 100 million is the question. 

(For information on the election steal of 2020 see Joe Hoft’s books on The Steal here.)

The post This Is What Happens When You Allow Bad Actors to Steal Elections appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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