AS the weather gets colder, it’s likely your child will pick up a nasty bug or two.
From the common cold to scarlet fever, the are lots of illnesses making the rounds during the winter months.
The cooler weather leaves kids less effective at fighting bugs
We tend to see more bugs this time of year because of how we live during the cooler seasons, explains TV Pharmacist Thorrun Govind.
She tells the Sun: “Kids – and adults – spend more time cooped up inside during the winter.
“Indoors, there tends to be more people and less ventilation compared to outside, meaning you’re more likely to come into contact with bugs.”
“On top of that, the cooler weather leaves our body less effective at fighting bugs,” she adds.
1. RSV
Cases of some winter illnesses are already on the rise – including deadly respiratory syncytial virus (RSV).
According to UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) data, there has been a five per cent surge in cases among under 5s during the week ending October 20, compared to the week before.
The virus typically causes cold-like symptoms, but can also trigger lung infections like pneumonia and bronchiolitis in infants and elderly people, which require hospitalisation and can be fatal.
In the UK, about 30,000 babies and children under five need hospital treatment every year due to RSV, though fewer than 90 now die from it.
The NHS says the signs of RSV you must know include:
Your child’s breathing is becoming more difficultThey aren’t feeding wellThey are having dry nappies for 12 hours or longerYour child is more sleepy or less alert than usualYour child’s temperature is above 37.5 degrees
2. Colds
A bug everyone should be aware of is rhinovirus, more commonly known as the common cold.
Speaking to the Sun, Professor John Tregoning, of Imperial College London, says the bug usually peaks in about October, but “never really goes away.”
It’s normal for a child to have eight or more colds a year, official guidance states.
This is because young children haven’t built up their immunity to bugs yet, in the same was adults have.
However, they’re rarely serious.
“While they can be a bit more serious in children with asthma, they are self resolving and, like all viral infections, does not need antibiotics,” he adds.
According to the NHS, the main signs of a cold include:
a blocked or runny nosea sore throatheadachesmuscle achescoughssneezinga raised temperaturepressure in your ears and faceloss of taste and smell
If a child has a cold, it might last longer than it would in an adult.
3. Flu
Another virus many parents will be familiar with is flu, or influenza.
Infection rates and hospitalisations of flu are currently stable across all age groups, according to UKHSA data.
But cases are likely to rise in the coming weeks, peaking at around Christmas time, prof John says.
Hospitalisations are currently highest among children,
“Children don’t get a very severe infection – but the major risk here is passing it onto elderly relatives,” he adds.
The NHS suggests getting your child vaccinated, which protects both the child and can reduce transmission to others.
Children from reception up to year 11 will be offered the free flu vaccine in schools this year.
When it comes to the flu, the NHS says you must look out for the following:
a sudden high temperaturean aching bodyfeeling tired or exhausteda dry cougha sore throata headachedifficulty sleepingloss of appetitediarrhoea or tummy painfeeling sick and being sick
Children may also experience pain in their ears and they may appear less active.
4. Scarlet fever & Strep A
Scarlet fever is a bacterial illness that mainly affects children, which is caused by the Strep A bacteria.
The nasty bug can lead to tonsillitis, skin infections and, in very serious cases, a life-threatening illness called invasive Group A Streptococcal disease (iGAS).
Cases of Strep A surged last winter, peaking in December.
During that time, a total of 426 people – including 48 children – died with iGAS in England.
So far this year, cases of scarlet fever appear to be climbing according to the UKHSA’s most recent update, but still appears to be lower than last year.
Some 225 cases of the bug were reported during the week ending October 15.
For comparison, 528 infections were reported during the same week last year.
The NHS says you should watch out for:
a sore throatskin infection, including blisters or impetigoa large itchy pink or red rash on the skinheadachea high temperatureflushed cheeksa swollen tonguewollen neck glandsloss of appetitenausea or vomitingred lines in the folds of the body, such as the armpit, which may last a couple of days after the rash has gonea white coating on the tongue, which peels a few days later leaving the tongue red and swollen (this is known as strawberry tongue)
5. Norovirus
Norovirus is a bug many parents fear most.
Dubbed the “winter vomiting bug”, norovirus does exactly what it says on the tin: it causes violent sickness and often diarrhoea.
Outbreaks are common where people have close contact, such as in schools and nurseries, according to the UKHSA,
Thankfully, cases of the sickness bug appear to have fallen by 17 per cent over the last fortnight, new data suggests.
Some 101 laboratory reports were confirmed between September 25 and October 8, 23 per cent lower than what’s expected for this time of year.
According to the NHS website, you are likely to have caught norovirus if you experience a sudden sick feeling, projectile vomiting and watery diarrhoea.
The main symptoms are:
Feeling sick (nausea)DiarrhoeaBeing sick (vomiting)A high temperatureA headacheAching arms and legs
6. Covid
Covid is usually quite mild in kids over the age of four.
“In most children, this will present as a cold, indistinguishable from other viruses,” the expert says.
Despite the WHO declaring the end of the pandemic earlier this year, coronavirus remains in circulation.
However, cases of the nasty illness appear to be falling, data suggests.
In the last leading up to October 11, infections plummeted by 14 per cent across the UK.
Brits are still being encouraged to get jabbed against the bug.
Last month, the new Covid vaccination drive was brought forward due to fears over the Pirola variant.
Data from experts at the ZOE Symptom Tracker app states that the ten most common symptoms of Covid-19 include:
Sore throat Blocked nose HeadacheCough no phlegm Runny nose SneezingCough with phlegm Hoarse voice Muscle pain aches Fatigue