The ‘stupid’ behaviour passengers are most commonly told off for on flights

GIVEN how many people are on planes, you’d think passengers would once in a while think about how their actions might affect others.

Yet on every single flight there seems to be at least three or four people who think that they’re the most important people on the aircraft.

In this week’s blog I reveal which passengers get told off the most on our flights

Arrogant passengers like that almost always need a talking to from one of the cabin crew – and it’s something we absolutely shouldn’t have to do.

One of the main things we have to people off for is listen to their music without headphones – which is the absolute worst behaviour.

In my latest weekly blog for Sun Online Travel, I’ll explain exactly why you should never force other people to listen to your music, no matter how good your taste is.

We can obviously understand you wanting to listen to music on a flight.

It’s a great way to soothe, calm and de-stress, especially when dealing with hectic airports and busy flights.

But music is a very personal thing and your choice of genre, volume and lyrics are not going to appeal to everyone.

Therefore, music should always be kept private when in public – use headphones please.

As always with issues like this, drinking goes hand-in-hand. On a flight just last week, I had two gentlemen listening to a bluetooth speaker in one of the rows.

We asked them to turn it down, which they did – but only for a while before they had enjoyed a few more drinks.

They then turned it back up and it required a second talking from me and a complaint from another passenger to get them to turn it off in the end.

We shouldn’t be wasting our time with something that, in my mind at least, is such an obviously stupid and irritating thing to do.

You might be having a great time with your music and your drinks – but you’re not the only one on the plane and you have no idea why other people are flying.

People travel for all sorts of reasons, including the deaths of loved ones, family emergencies, business and other situations – those people aren’t likely to be in the mood to join your party.

Your inconsiderate behaviour could make an already tough experience much worse and much more difficult to deal with.

What’s more, flying affects people in different ways too.

We have loads of people on board our flights – some are terrified of air travel, others have conditions where noises make them feel anxious or uncomfortable.

Your noise could be the difference between them managing to calm down and become okay with their surroundings – or them having an absolutely horrible flight.

That doesn’t just include music either – I’m talking about loud talking and generally being noisy.

I don’t mind you having a chat with your friends and family and by all means, enjoy the flight as much as possible, but just don’t be rude or obnoxious.

Just remember where you are, how busy the plane is and think about how any of your actions could affect other people on board.

If that doesn’t stop you from putting your music on loudly or shouting and generally being irritating, just know that the cabin crew really dislike you – and we’re the ones in charge of the food and drink.

Meanwhile, this passenger was branded “rude” for their choice of meal on board a plane.

And this passenger was slammed for eating smelly eggs while waiting for a flight.

GettyFlight attendants hate passengers who listen to music without headphones (stock image)[/caption]  Read More 
