The overlooked type of anxiety that’s ruining your sleep, waistline and leaves you procrastinating

PANIC attacks, cold sweats and hyperventilation often come to mind when people first picture anxiety — but some forms of the condition are more subtle.

TherapyJM, a mental health counsellor from the US, said there are six signs you are living with high-functioning anxiety.

GettyA licensed therapist has revealed the six signs of high-function anxiety[/caption]

The condition often goes undiagnosed because people are able to perform well at work and appear to have thriving social lives.

However, inside they may be constantly struggling with feelings of self-doubt, stress and not measuring up.

Over time, it can lead to a host of physical health issues as well, including putting on weight and sleep deprivation.

TherapyJM said that while the condition may be difficult to spot, there are some clear signs that could indicate you are suffering from it.

In a video on TikTok, he said: “Number one, you have a constant fear of disappointing or angering others.

“Number two, you’re constantly planning for the worst case scenario. Number three, you have a really hard time relaxing.

“Number four, you really struggle making decisions. Number five, you have a tough time getting your mind to shut off at night.

“Number six, you procrastinate and you only get things done at the very last minute.”

Around 8million Brits live with anxiety disorders, according to Mental Health UK.

Data from Mind shows six per cent of Brits are diagnosed in any given week but fewer than half go on to access treatment.

High-functioning anxiety is not officially recognised in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.

Instead, people are usually diagnosed with generalised anxiety disorder.

Symptoms include feeling restless or worried, having trouble concentrating or sleeping, dizziness and heart palpitations.

It can lead to weight gain because of high levels of the stress hormone cortisol in the body, which causes fat to build up around the midsection.

Patients can be given talking therapies on the NHS and prescribed antidepressants like  selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors.

Exercising, quitting smoking and looking after physical health can all help as well, according to the health service.

What are the six symptoms of high-functioning anxiety?

Constant fear of disappointing or angering othersConstantly planning for the worst case scenarioHaving a hard time relaxingStruggling to make decisionsHaving a tough time getting your mind to shut off at nightProcrastinate and only getting things done at the very last minute   
