The medical conditions that can stop you giving blood

GIVING blood can save lives — but not everyone is able to do it.

Some medical conditions mean it is not safe for donors to offer their blood or for patients to receive it.

GettyGiving blood can save lives but some medical conditions mean potential donors are not able to do it[/caption]

All blood donors must be fit and well, aged between 17 and 65 and weigh between 7 stone 12lbs (50kg) and 25 stone (158kg).

They also have to have suitable veins, as well as meet other criteria, such as not having been to countries where conditions like hepatitis B and C are common in recent months.

However, even if you meet all those conditions, some conditions can mean you’re still not able to donate.

Most types of cancer, including leukaemia, lymphoma and multiple myeloma, mean you would not be able to give blood.

Heart conditions like heart failure and stroke could also bar you from being a donor.

People who have tested positive for HIV or carry hepatitis B and C are also not able to donate.

And those who have received blood, platelets or plasma since 1980 or have had an organ transplant can’t give blood either.

Around 830,000 Brits donated blood in 2018, but numbers of donors fell significantly during the Covid pandemic.

Last year, NHS Blood and Transplant issued an amber alert because of shortage of red blood cells for the first time.

Giving blood is essential to allow hospitals to carry out many surgeries and also for transfusions.

NHSBT said it needs nearly 400 new donors a day to meet demand and around 135,000 new donors a year to replace those who can no longer donate.

Who can’t donate blood?

According to NHS Blood and Transplant, you cannot donate blood if you:

have had most types of cancerhave some heart conditionshave received blood, platelets, plasma or any other blood products after 1 January 1980have tested positive for HIVhave had an organ transplantare a hepatitis B carrierare a hepatitis C carrierhave injected non-prescribed drugs including body-building and injectable tanning agents. You may be able to give if a doctor prescribed the drugs  Read More 
