WHEN flying long haul, making sure you pick the right meal may seem really difficult.
A lack of options in the sky means every passenger is very much at the mercy of the plane’s food options – some of which can be really bland.
GettyPassengers’ tastebuds are affected by the plane cabin’s air pressure[/caption]
However, people are able to choose special meals for religious or dietary reasons, as long as they let the airline know at least a couple of days before they fly.
One frequent traveller has worked his way through a lot of the available options and claims to have found the best special meal choice available.
Whenever he flies, David Farley always selects the Hindu Meal.
He explained the science behind this selection and revealed why it gives him the best chance of getting a good meal whenever he takes to the skies.
He wrote in Stuff NZ: “Cabin air pressure and a reduction of humidity reduces our palate’s sensitivity to sweet and salty flavours.
“Meanwhile, spicy flavours are almost unaffected…[so] I zeroed in on whatever exuded spice.”
David said he was given Indian dishes that “unleashed a wall of aromas” – making his in-flight dining experience much more interesting than it could’ve been had he not ordered the meal.
He vows to stick to his method in the future in his bid to avoid dull dinners.
He added: “I’m holding off for lentils, beans with a slight kick, curry-accented chicken or whatever Indian-flavoured meal lands in my lap on my next flight.”
Flight attendants regularly have to deal with people complaining about how bland their food is during flights, something they’re sick of having to hear about.
Sun Online Travel’s resident cabin crew member explained some of the food requests they have to put up with while up in the air.
They said: “It’s ridiculous – I’ve lost count of how many people have complained because their flight was ‘dull’ or ‘bland’.
“Of course it was, you’re sitting on a plane, not in a restaurant.
“We get asked all the time if there’s anything else on board, as if we have a kitchen full of ingredients in the galley.
“We aren’t chefs and all we have are pre-made dinners that we heat up for you.
“If you want a certain type of meal, you have to let us know in advance when you book your flights. Otherwise, unfortunately you have to put up with what you’re given.
“It’s not like you didn’t have enough time to order something else first.”
Other passengers take matters into their own hand, by taking meals onto the plane with them, including tubs of instant noodles.
One such person was Tiktoker Melie, who filmed herself eating the snack during a recent flight.
Meanwhile, this chef revealed how you can make your food taste better during flights.
And this food expert revealed the dishes that you should always avoid when flying.
GettyPre-ordering food is one of the best ways to ensure you don’t end up with a bland meal[/caption]