The December New Moon in Capricorn Is Giving You the Go-Ahead to Chase Your Dreams

About every month or so, the lunar cycle resets with a new moon. This lunation is a cosmic refresh, prompting us to set intentions and turn over a new leaf. And with Mars retrograde impeding the progress of our projects and imposing major setbacks until January 2023, the collective can really use the go-getter vibe of the Capricorn new moon on Dec. 23.

The new moon is a great time for manifesting, learning new skills, and making the first move. Because it ingresses into industrious Capricorn, you can expect major executive vibes and a welcome spark for your ambitious side. The cardinal earth sign is all about taking initiative, which makes the new moon a perfect time to launch your big business ideas, ask for a promotion, or pursue learning new profitable skills.

“Spiritually, the period of Capricorn in the cycle of the year manifests the goals that move us forward in the path of life, towards the fulfillment of our soul mission,” Priscila Lima de Charbonnières, astrologer and founder of astrology and well-being app Soulloop, tells POPSUGAR.

What’s more, the new moon meets up with the sun, the moon, Mercury, Venus, and Pluto in the same enterprising earth sign. This powerful connection prompts a concentrated energy of passion and motivation. “All these planets assume a coherent Capricorn vibe that aligns emotions, feelings, thoughts, and aspirations,” Lima de Charbonnières explains. “Capricorn is an earthy energy, ruled by Saturn, that seeks concrete accomplishment and real attainment, thus also structure, method, aims, and completion.”

Want to learn how Capricorn’s tough-love energy may impact you? Keep reading as Lima de Charbonnières discusses the astrological meaning of the Capricorn new moon and how it may impact your zodiac sign.

The Spiritual Meaning of the Dec. 23 New Moon in Capricorn

Between approximately Dec. 22 and Jan. 19 each year, the sun moves out of Sagittarius and bursts into hardworking Capricorn. The sea goat is a strong force, disciplined, and passion forward, which might be why, during Capricorn season, we feel extra motivated to satisfy our goals and make plans for the year to come. December’s inspiring new moon in Capricorn comes shortly after the winter solstice, which prompts a prime time for manifesting as we look ahead to a new year. Saturn’s heavy vibes are especially intense right now, so try to have patience, especially since Mars will be in restful retrograde until Jan. 12, 2023.

With things slowing down right now, it’s an ideal time to ground yourself, establish boundaries, and set your goals into motion. Visualization of your objectives and delving into manifestation practices may set you up for a successful 2023. “Under the Capricornian energy, our imagination becomes concrete, with a great preview ability, focused on the solidity of the structure and details that make it viable, including the work and effort involved,” Lima de Charbonnières explains. Meaning, now’s the perfect time to visualize what you want and map out a plan that will get you there.

How the Dec. 23 New Moon in Capricorn May Affect the Zodiac Signs

Keep reading to see how the December new moon in Capricorn may impact your zodiac sign.

Aries (March 20-April 19)

You’re proving yourself in 2023, Aries, and this new moon is urging you to reflect on what mark you want to leave in the world. Envisioning your goals and speaking them into existence will be successful through action, but remember to give yourself rest when needed. “The energy will bring new personal and professional career beginnings,” Lima de Charbonnières says, as well as shifts in the way you go for your goals. This could include important, inevitable changes in the resources you have available at your disposal. More good news? Any issues you’re having with self-expression and identity should feel soothed right now, and you may even feel more spontaneous, Lima de Charbonnières adds.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Take the plunge during Capricorn season, Taurus. These harmonious earth-sign vibes are encouraging you to explore new things and see your world from a new perspective. It’s an ideal time to plan your ultimate travel itinerary for 2023. “Expansion of awareness, knowledge, and spirituality, gained through traveling or studying, are important themes in the new projects brought forth by the moon’s energy,” Lima de Charbonnières says. That said, don’t forget to give yourself enough time to focus on spiritual health.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

What are you trying to shed, Gemini? This is a pivotal moment in your self-development, and the new moon’s energy is helping you form a deeper connection with yourself. It’s all about giving yourself closure. “Openness to receiving from others, either resources or support, and beginnings that involve emotional regeneration are the themes highlighted by this new moon,” Lima de Charbonnières explains. “These areas assist in the inevitable changes that bring closure to life processes, projects, or the attainment of important wishes.”

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

It’s time to find common ground in your relationships, Cancer. You might be giving too much of yourself without realizing or struggling to find balance. It’s OK to lean on others right now, as you might receive news that’s hard to hear. Personal or professional partnerships and new beginnings that need structure are emphasized by this energy, Lima de Charbonnières explains. This lunation may also help you find a positive attitude toward inevitable changes related to groups, organizations, or friendships, she says. “Vulnerability around your aims in life is now actively in the process of healing, as swift solutions are brought with ease.”

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

Are you ready to get to business, Leo? Organizing, planning, and surrendering could do you well right now, but you need to get serious about what you want out of the new year. Find new rituals, incorporate wellness practices, and find balance. “Issues regarding an expansive perspective of life are now on the mend,” Lima de Charbonnières explains, and this means getting practical when it comes to your health and working habits.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

These new-moon vibes are getting you in the crafty mood, Virgo, so it’s a great moment to follow your pleasures. What delivers joy and inspires you? Find your passion project and go with it. “Personal creative projects, children, romantic love, passion, and risk-taking are highlighted, with new beginnings that call for planning,” Lima de Charbonnières says. “These goals are supported by important changes in the perspective of life, personal philosophy, knowledge, or awareness.”

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

Get comfy with the new moon, Libra, as it’s helping you appreciate the quietness of winter and relax. Recharge your social batteries, and get back to aligning with your comfort zone. “The sense of belonging, emotional foundations, home, and family are central in the effects of this moon’s energy,” Lima de Charbonnières says. In this moment, you may experience new beginnings in the areas of personal transformation or emotional regeneration – and they’ll flourish as long as you allow radical change to occur.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

This new moon is inspiring you to find a middle ground, establish boundaries, and see things from a practical perspective. You may find yourself revisiting old passion projects worth reviving or finding the energy and desire to learn a new skill. Either way, this exercise could help bring clarity to a situation that has been confusing or distracting, Lima de Charbonnières explains.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

The new moon is inspiring you to follow your steamiest desires and manifest your ultimate financial goals. Learning a new skill may help bring new streams of income. Ask yourself what your passions are, and lay down the groundwork to achieve them in the new year. “New beginnings in the area of resources and values are seeded and bond well with the radical changes that are taking place in the area of routine and habits in health and work,” Lima de Charbonnières says. Anything you’re struggling with in the areas of personal creativity, romance, love, and risk-taking should feel like they’re resolved at this time.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Total transformation is ahead, Capricorn, and it’s important to find a balance between business and pleasure. Preserving your energy is vital under this new moon, so get practical about what goals need to be set in the year to come. “Self-expression, individual identity, and personal appearance are areas seeded with new beginnings,” Lima de Charbonnières says. But there may be conflict when it comes to showing your vulnerable side, so don’t forget that you can lean on others, too.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

The new moon may have you especially self-aware, Aquarius. Reflecting on 2022 has had you sentimental, and this is a great moment to ground yourself mentally and come down out of the clouds. Clarity is key right now, and it’s important to have alone time. Lima de Charbonnières explains this new moon is good for “letting go, concluding and attaining, simply resting, stopping, and taking a break.”

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

You might be confronted with hard truths, but remember your best interest is at heart, Pisces. It’s all about allowing yourself to see things from a more concrete, rather than an abstract, point of view. Don’t be shy about leaning on your support system during this personal journey. New beginnings will help usher in changes in the area of communication and with loved ones, Lima de Charbonnières explains.

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