A TIKTOKER has revealed a clever hack to banish condensation from cars – and it costs only five pence at B&M.
The cheapest method to get rid of the mist on the windows has been tried and tested by two van drivers on the internet.
TikTok/@reggie_van_relayA Tiktoker revealed a smart and cheap lifehack to stop condensation[/caption]
TikTok/@reggie_van_relayShe filled old tights with cat litter and tied them[/caption]
TikTok/@reggie_van_relayCat litter absorbs the moisture and stops condensation from building up[/caption]
Meg and Chloe document their life in a self-converted van and have recently posted a video sharing a smart lifehack that stops condensation from building up on their windscreens.
As the temperatures plummet and weather conditions worsen, it’s crucial for motorists to be aware of how to get rid of condensation on their car windows.
Misty windshields can pose a danger for the drivers as their vision is obstructed.
In a clip, the TikToker claimed that the condensation is a huge issue in a camper van.
And although most of it can be dealt with good ventilation, the van owner admits they still find some mist on the windows on cold mornings.
To solve this issue, Meg and Chloe have come up with a genius idea which doesn’t hurt their pockets.
The women repurposed their old tights and filled it with cheap cat litter.
Then they placed it on the areas with high moisture and voila – no more condensation.
This should prevent water vapour in the air from condensing on the windscreen.
And since the tights only need to be filled a little, it costs only about five pence per use.
One of the cheapest cat litter can be bought for £2.49 at B&M stores, and it can last the drivers the entire winter.
Most drivers know the importance of having a clear windscreen and windows before heading off in their car.
Driving with your vision obscured could land you with a hefty fine – whether it’s foggy, icy or just plain dirty.
The Road Vehicles Lighting Regulations 1989 and the Highway Code state that “windscreens and windows MUST be kept clean and free from obstructions to vision”.
Failure to clear windows properly can lead to a fixed penalty fine of up to £2,500 and three penalty points.
If the offence is committed within three years of a previous conviction for the same offence it could even lead to disqualification.
Another low-cost tip to fight the condensation can even be found at home.
A driver has revealed how he stopped using “harmful” products in his cart by switching to an 85p household item.
And this isn’t the only household gadget that can prevent condensation – check this staple item in many people’s home that is now used on the road.
Motorists have also realised that they can stop condensation on their windscreens using a 60p kitchen item.
B&MCat litter is £2.49 at B&M stores which comes to 5p per use[/caption]