The 9 subtle signs your boss might be a psychopath – and tips to handle it

FROM Miranda Priestley in The Devil Wears Prada to Jennifer Aniston’s character Julia, in horrible bosses, scary managers have been a classic troupe in movies for decades.

But many exist in the real world too – and could be a lot worse.


Miranda Priestley in The Devil Wears Prada is remembered as a bad bossAlamy

Bernie Madoff admitted to swindling thousands of clients out of billions of dollars in investments over decades

Scientists from Anglia Ruskin University say that some bosses are so manipulative that they should be classed as “corporate psychopaths”. 

These select group of people are driven by money, power and control – and are willing to anything to get it, the experts explained.

So, is your boss a corporate psychopaths?

There are an estimated 300-400,000 of them living in Britain – so there’s a chance one could be lurking round your office.

However, until now, little research been done on psychopaths in a work setting.

According to lead researcher, Dr Clive Boddy, many are likely to hold senior positions in business and industry in finance, “largely because of their apparently social personality traits”.

“However, their ruthlessly self-serving behaviour has the potential to bring down entire sectors in extreme cases,” he added.

The experts are calling on the financial sector, which hold enormous responsibility, to be more vigilant in spotting these individuals and so they cannot endanger the economy and wider society.

“Firms without corporate psychopaths in them are more likely to be viable, sustainable, and less likely to collapse,” Dr Clive explained.

To  understand whether corporate scandals and bankruptcies tend to feature corporate psychopaths, the team focused on US fraudster, Bernie Madoff – who was behind the largest known Ponzi scheme in history.

He admitted to swindling thousands of clients out of billions of dollars in investments over decades.

They examined Bernie’s actions at work and in prison after his arrest it in 2008 against two established scales of psychopathy. 

These included personality traits such as superficial charm and apparent intelligence; lack of sincerity or truthfulness; a tendency to cheat; a lack of remorse; being emotionally shallow; a lack of self insight; calmness; and apparent rationality.

They found Bernie’s actions reflected all of these traits.

“People have often wondered whether Bernie Madoff was in fact a corporate psychopath, and he certainly scored highly on the two measures of psychopathy utilized within this study,’ the doctor said.

“The findings suggest that Madoff’s fraud was an outcome of his personality and that similar personalities such as Robert Maxwell and Ken Lay, have behaved in similar ways.”

The team hopes the findings will help businesses identify corporate psychopaths before they rise to the top.

Findings from research will be presented at the Chelmsford Science Festival on October 23.

The 9 ways to spot a corporate psychopath

Experts say the key personality traits to look out for are:

Superficial charm
Lack of sincerity or truthfulness
A tendency to cheat
A lack of remorse
Being emotionally shallow
A lack of self insight
Seeming rationality


